Screenshots The Lost Sword Of El Patron got while using a legendary lure 7-12-2017


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i really don't know . all i did was not take anything from loot. i read in forum bout the percentage rate. so i did that. i also read in the forum about there the person who was talking bout loot , lures etc , said that you can not get fame , legendary fishing with a legendary lure, well that person is wrong a week before i got The Lost Sword Of Patron i was thinking on what that person stated about it , so i tried the legendary lure and using the percentage thing i got a famed sword. so now as shown u can get fame , legendary loot while using the legendary lure granted u can get both using a regular lure, when fishing , grinding , questing if u want the chance to get a famed or higher don't loot not even for gold or potions, if there is a fame dor higher in loot just loot it nothing else . Happy Hunting