The Order of the Brethren

Captain Del

The Order of the Brethren
Uniting the Caribbean

The Order of the Brethren is a gathering of all types guilds from all backgrounds, fan sites, and communities. Established in the hopes that we may break down the walls dividing our many guilds, the Order seeks to create a single network of unity between guilds from the farthest corners of the seas, through singularity, discussion, large scale events, and other means.

The Order is, essentially, a group of member guilds that have the ability to meet under a single roof, where they can help build and expand on our community as a whole through numerous events, parties, and dances, all of which are hosted by the Order's members, and myself. Along with this, the Order also provides a common ground where pirates from guilds, no matter how far apart or different, may come to chat, intermingle, and discuss topics in our fair Caribbean. The Order is not your average meeting, in the fact that what we want to do is something greater than make really big events and such. We want to begin to break down the walls between different stretches of the Caribbean.

We have already seen the might of the POTCO Community when it comes together - but behind all of that, is still so much more potential. Could you imagine a blockade stretching from Tortuga to Padres Del Fuego? Perhaps a fleet of a few hundred ships? I can - and this is what I hope the Order can bring about. And not only that, but a stronger sense of community in the game, by uniting pirates whose paths normally would never cross.

The Articles of Agreement
The Essential Rules, Guidelines, and Principles of the Order

I. Pirates and Guilds are to Respect their Fellow Brethren. Regardless of any personal issues or past/present discrepancies you may have with a certain guild/pirate, you are expected to act appropriately. Any form of escalated fighting, griefing, or other violent actions between two or more guilds may result in all guilds involved being removed or reprimanded, based on the severeness/consistency of the harassment, regardless of "who started it." If trouble should arise, it should be reported to me immediately.

II. The Guilds who choose to join the Order, as well as their Guildmaster/Highest Serving Officer, should remain regularly active. Joining this gathering should not be seen so much as a privilege as it is an honor, and it should be treated as such. Guilds who join should be regularly active in topic discussion on given sites and forums, as well as at ingame meetings and events. The Guildmasters/Highest Attending Officer(s) of a guild are also expected to regularly be involved! Guilds whose members/Guildmaster/Higher Officers begin to become inactive may be subject to having their membership questioned.

  1. "Inactivity" is defined by being unable to attend two official meetings/events without giving a valid reason for absence prior to the event. These include, by are not limited to, illness, internal guild issues, family or real life obligations, religious observances, etc. After a guild or their Guildmaster/Higher Officer has reached their second consecutive miss, they will be sent a warning by myself, or another member of the Order. If they fail to meet a consecutive meeting yet again, their membership will become a subject of debate.

III. The gathering is not to become subject to political manipulation, agendas, or certain self-righteous goals. If a pirate/guild is suspected of trying to take advantage of membership within the gathering, or certain aspects of their membership, in order to benefit themselves or their guild over others, that pirate and their guild, or that guild in itself, may have it's membership questioned.

IV. Inner or outer guild disputes should not be carried over in to the boundaries of this court. The space provided for you by this gathering (in the form of forums, ingame meetings, etc.) is to ensure your guild may interact and prosper alongside your fellow guilds. Causing unnecessary "drama" by leaking personal matters in to the confines of this court may lead your guild's membership become subject to questioning, or reprimandation.

V. The disruption of sanctioned events by pirates within a guild may result in the reprimandation or elimination of a guild from the gathering, based on the severeness or continuation of the offense(s.) Guildmaster/Guild Officers are expected to privately yet immediately reprimand pirates who "act out," per say, while avoiding escalation.

  1. The definition of "disruption" is defined by purposely going out of one's way to bring order to a halt. This includes excessive spam/talking out of line, the use of loud and lag-creating effects and weaponry is consistency, inviting other pirates outside of the Order who do not have permission to be there, and generally actions that may cause a disturbance.

VI. The Order reserves the right to question a member guild's morale based on actions, or the actions of their members, outside of the gathering itself, based on evidence presented to suggest lack of conduct towards fellow pirates. If a guild is seen as having mistreated others, acted irrationally and/or provocatively, or has shown a lack of reasonable and respectable action based on substantial amounts of evidence (in the amount of screenshots, videos, witness reports, etc.) their membership will be discussed by their fellow guilds.

  1. "Improper Conduct" is defined by acting in such ways that may cause hurt or harm to other pirates, acting against Disney's Terms and Conditions, or overall preforming certain actions that reflect their guild in a negative light.

VII. The standard rules, terms, and conditions agreed upon by all pirates when entering the game are to be upheld not only at all times, but especially within the boundaries of this Order.

VIII. Rules and guidelines specifically directed towards Sites, Forums, Events, and other confines within this Order are also expected to be upheld. Failure to do so properly may affect your guild's standing in the Order.

Organization of the Order
The Roles and Members of the Order

To properly run and organize this gathering of pirates, so that it may run smoothly and efficiently, we have set up a few ranks within the Order to help make our lives just a little easier:

Keeper of the Code - The basic "overseer" of all going-ons within the court, responsible for managing and organizing events, filing guild applications, keeping order and process over in-game meetings, and overall making sure that everything runs smoothly. Interprets and updates the rules, and makes sure that the guidelines of the court are followed, while making sure there is room for human reasoning. This role will be filled by myself, though as the Order grows I may ask more pirates to join me.

Guildmasters/Representatives - The governing body. They are each responsible for their own guild, and are there to voice their opinion in the representation of their guild. They vote on subjects at hand within the court (if any,) and make sure that their guild and it's members are happy and enjoying their time within the court.

Scribe - Responsible for keeping records of everything that goes on and is said at meetings. This position may rotate between people each meeting, though it may eventually be decided to be appointed.

Judges/Referees - Will help myself in watching over events to make sure they run smoothly, and in order. These roles will often be asked to be filled when an event arises where they are necessary.

Event Planner - Responsible for formulating and testing ideas for games, events, and contests which may be held in the future of the court. They may also be asked at times to organize an event, and should be creative enough to do so in a fun, interactive, and attractive way. They are also responsible for helping in the execution of an event. *This job will be filled when deemed necessary.*

The Sailmaker(s) - Design/banner creators, event photographers, video creators, and other roles which will be responsible for advertising the court.

Events and Meetings
The Core of the Order

As you have probably figured out by now, the centrality of the Order will be centered about parties, celebrations, and events, focused on bringing together our members and pirates from all corners of the seven seas as a way to have fun together. Usually these events will be large-scale as a way to accommodate for a large amount of pirates, though at times we will have events at a lower level.

Order sanctioned events (ya know, those huge events like the Battle of the Scoundrels and the Rum Blockade) will usually be run once every two to three, to four weeks, though those are not the only events that will be held. We also encourage our members to plan their own events using the Order as a springboard - after all, there won't be any real unity if I'm FORCING you all to come together, now am I? ;)

And as for meetings, (I hear the moans and groans already,) I actually see this as a plus of this gathering. Unless past gatherings of guilds, which would have meetings on a regular basis, this Order will only have meetings when something needs to be talked about. Of course, we will try to avoid them as much as possible - usually minor discussions will occur on the Brethren's site. So, you all can start breathing again now :D

Membership Application
So Ye Want to Join Our Ranks, Eh?

For guilds that want to apply for the Order, please fill out the application below, and submit it to me either through a post on this thread, or through a PM:

Your Main Pirate's Name:
Name of Prospective Guild:
Approximate Date of Creation:
Number of Members:

Are you the Guildmaster of the guild seeking membership within this gathering?

- If you are not the Guildmaster, please provide evidence below which states that your Guildmaster has given you permission to apply for membership. (i.e., chat logs, a sworn statement, etc.)

Should you join this gathering, please explain how you would be willing to aid in building it's foundation.

Do you promise to uphold the Pirate Code in these times of establishment, and to work well with your fellow founders to strive toward the ultimate goal of unity?

Once a guild applies, I will look over their application, and then enter the guild in to a probationary stage. During this time, the guild is allowed to take part in Order events and meetings, as well as discussion on the Brethren Site, and are basically treated as a member of the Order. The only difference is they will be watched over by myself and the other members of the Order to make sure they are active and appropriate when it comes to taking part in the Order.

After about three weeks of the initial stage, the rest of the members and I will discuss your guild's membership, and take it from there.

The Wanted List
The Guilds of the Order

Guild Name - Guild Representative

Lion Hearted Pirate - Captain Andy
O'fury's Court - Tom O'fury
Partners N Crime - Christopher Ironhawk
Pixie Pyrates - Luckie O'Clover
Shadow Sorcerors - Tiberius Fireskull
The Mandalorians - Darman Skirata
The Silent Force - Misty (On hold)
The Midnite Clan - Slasher (Probationary Stage)

Common Questions and Concerns About the Order

There are plenty of ways to run good events without this thing's help. Why should I join when I could just do it myself?

Usually when a pirate or a guild tries to attempt an event on a large scale, it requires crazy amounts of work and advertising (I know by experience!) With this order, we hope to eliminate that need for dedication of large amounts of time to run events, by allowing guilds to work together to create a good event, as well as keeping a base membership for the event.

Also keep in mind the factor of guild diversity. Usually when pirates create events, they only post it on one, maybe two forum sites, based on where their friendships and loyalties lie. It's in my hopes that by bringing all of these different guilds together, we can run events that a large amount of pirates can enjoy.

How time consuming will this Order be?

As little as possible.

Events will be held on reasonable time frames, and meetings will be held as little as possible. I very well know people have other things to worry about - guilds, work, school, etc. etc. That's why I've designed everything so this isn't constantly down your throat - after all, the last thing I want to do is dedicating my time in-game to "work," aye? :laughks2:

Why should I join this gathering when I can find another one, or perhaps start my own?

I reiterate once again, this gathering is different. Unlike other gatherings, where you often feel very distant from your fellow members, we have set up numerous things that will allow you to get to know all of your fellow guilds right off the bat. This thing is all about communication, and essentially creating one big pirate family - where EVERYBODY feels welcome.

That's the jist of it! If you have any other questions or concerns, please ask me.

I hope that you mates decide to join us - this is going to be the start of something great, pirates!

~ Del