The Prediction Game

True although paying for live is a buzz kill

The next person will be a winner in Pirates Forums Best of 2012 Hosted by yours truly Will Nightwolf
Nope i dont have either :p

The next person likes lemon supreme pie Yum
TRUEEEEEE; I am obsessed with tea! No matter what time of day it is, I am drinking tea! (Rose tea, black tea, green tea, wooh got carried away there for a second)... :D

The next person is like me in that their pet peeve is hearing people mispronounce words.
Nope. I have never been on a plane, and there's too much 'security' anyways.

The next person has played Skyrim and is buying the Dawnguard add-on for it.
Noppers, unfortunately ... already went (<---- look at my avatar). Bummer ... :sad1:

The next person loves cool weather rather than hot weather (a.k.a summer). :p