Sailing The Problem with Level 4+ Hulls


Background: Both of my broadside skills are maxed at 5. I recently got the Skull and Bones IV Hull on my War Frigate.

After a day of testing, I discovered something painful. The maxed broadside skills don't scale with Fury's broadside damage. That means Fury does between 20 and 110 less damage than my regular cannonballs.

I actually spent 60,000 gold, 750 iron and 250 pine to DECREASE my damage.

This barnaclesing sucks.
Background: Both of my broadside skills are maxed at 5. I recently got the Skull and Bones IV Hull on my War Frigate.

After a day of testing, I discovered something painful. The maxed broadside skills don't scale with Fury's broadside damage. That means Fury does between 20 and 110 less damage than my regular cannonballs.

I actually spent 60,000 gold, 750 iron and 250 pine to DECREASE my damage.

This barnaclesing sucks.
you need to upgrade fury to 5 on cannon for the damage to become greater for broadsides