The Renegade Sharks (Video)


Honorable Pirate
I remember the first day I met the sharks. The person I met, the representative of the Renegade Sharks, her name was Goddess. I joined that day on Outcast Island. Soon, I became an officer after a year. I quickly progressed over the years. I do not date to be the oldest officer, but I definitely am one of the oldest still active if not the oldest still active. I am thankful for how much of a family the guild was that I was introduced to. It really puts the stander high for all guilds. If you were ever in it you would understand what I speak of.

Like I said The Renegade Sharks was not just a guild it was a family. One that would protect you from danger and destroy your enemies. For the longest time I could remember. Wayne would sometimes tell me when we were having trouble with someone. I would stand up for my guild, like so many guild mates before me had done. I would not let are title be bashed or scraped, for no reason at all.

This last year, I have seen close to none of the same guild spirit that the guild use to show. There was still many officers, that would still show it. Though it dwindle in the members. This was because someone got lazy. It was no ones fault. The guild was simply old and had very little vibe left in it. It needed energy. New Members. I discussed this with Wayne and soon we were getting members daily. It was awesome, soon it felt just like old times. Then I logged into the forums one day and my heart was destroyed. I was taken a step back. Memories flashed in my mind. Happy, and sad ones... They all were still the best memories of my gaming life. POTCO, my guild/family. Would soon be destroyed. I hated it, I was sick of the developers doing nothing just letting us off. Like a king cutting supplies off to the peasants in the town, because he needs all the resources for the army. There is one fault in the kings plans. They could lose the war, and the kingdom would fall.

The kingdom has fallen, and the peasants are pointing fingers. Not at the invaders but at there king. They are mad, they now hate that king, but they do not embrace the new ruler of the kingdom. Many of them flea, and turn to a new town for a new life. This is what POTCO has come to, are kingdom... Has fallen.

The peasants, send a message to the new king of all there memories...

No replies, :OSuch an old post. It is a shame this happened.
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