The Savvy Six (09/14/12)


Wiki Staff
Many thanks, mates, for all yer Savvy submissions! We received boat loads, and while it’s never an easy task to choose from so many, these “Savvy Six” of yer fellow Pirates stood out from all others to claim the high honors this go ‘round:

Congratulations to this year’s Savvy Swashbucklers!

Aurora Ocean Knight

Savvy leader of the Ocean Gods Guild, Aurora Ocean Knight works (and plunders!) tirelessly to rally her Guild’s strength and success. Her kind, caring friendship extends well beyond her own Guild, helping and healing Pirates throughout the islands. If you find this generous Pirate teleporting to your side to revive you, expect this loyal lass to battle on 'til yer enemies are completely vanquished and you are safe.
Though known for her keen fashion sense (is that a touch of Wildfire we spy?), Aurora takes the Pirate Code very much to heart and works to make her Guild and the whole Caribbean a safe, friendly, and fun environment for us scoundrels.
Steadfast despite all obstacles, Aurora Ocean Knight battles through in the finest swashbuckling spirit.

John Foulroberts

Extremely well-versed in the ways of a Pirate, there are few better than John Foulroberts to have at your side aboard ship, or at your back during an Invasion.
As a knowledgeable Officer of Dark Archive, John constantly looks out for his Guild mates with a steady hand on the helm, and a quick answer to any call for help. This savvy friendliness extends to all Pirates, who regularly count on John for wise words – or a well-aimed grenade when needed.
John means business when it comes to maintaining a safe and prosperous Guild, but when it comes to a swashbuckling adventure, this Pirate knows how to make merry with the best of them.
Good humor and good form all come with the territory when plunderin’ alongside this truly savvy swashbuckler!

Punkin Pie

Punkin Pie became a Guildmaster when her Guild needed her the most, and has made the most of it in undaunted fashion! She has shaped her Guild back to its glory as an active, friendly, and courteous crew of cutthroats. Her mates proclaim, “Punkin Pie stands as an exceptional example of a helpful, kind pirate that everyone wants on their friends list.”
As their fearless leader, Punkin Pie is quick to nip any Guild issues in the bud in a considerate and timely way – and just as quick to rally her mates in exciting adventures, such as hosting regular boss raids.
Punkin Pie always goes out of her way to put other Pirates first, helping with Quests, standing up to foul enemies, and cheering her fellow swashbucklers on to fun and victory.

Brew Haha

Don’t let that light-hearted moniker fool ye! As an Officer in the enormous Wrath of Ravens Guild, Brew Haha has his work cut out for him. And with remarkably savvy spirit, Brew Haha succeeds on all fronts.
Just say the word (usually “Help!”), and this exceptionally considerate Pirate is on his way to save the day. Always willing to help he is, and always ready to take on any challenge the Caribbean can dish out.
Brew Haha carries on no matter what grave enemy he and his mates may be facing down in battle, and does so with exceptional humor and wit. This easy going and amiable personality extends especially to new and low-level Pirates in the Caribbean, whom Brew Haha always welcomes with great warmth – and perhaps an invite for a bit of plunderin’ at sea!

Kate Bladebreaker

This mighty lass’ quickly rising Notoriety makes it know she’s a Pirate to be reckoned with! Kate has earned much respect and friendship throughout the Caribbean through her dedicated work as an Officer in the Dead Mans Band Guild. Her Guildmaster proudly beams, “Kate is the person that originally got me playing. She is our most helpful Guild member, never turning down the opportunity to help someone regardless of what level or who they are. She goes out of her way to help all people, and truly personifies the sense of camaraderie and goodwill amongst us!”
Through her excellent example of unbending loyalty and unquenchable will in the face of any challenge, Kate Bladebreaker is truly a Pirate deserving the honor of Savvy Swashbuckler.

Delmaria Darkskull

Few Pirates have not heard of the illustrious Delmaria Darkskull, but many owe him a scoundrel’s debt for his tremendous accomplishments throughout these islands. Captain Del as his friends know him (and there are scores, to be sure) dedicates himself to uniting all Pirate brethren and Guilds to keep the Caribbean safe, welcoming, and full of adventuresome enjoyment. This gallant leader succeeds in bringing together friends, crews, and Guilds from Isla Perdida to Padres del Fuego in numerous fun events, such as vast ship barricades and island raids.
A master of PvP, SvS, weapons, and swashbuckling skills, Delmaria Darkskull never misses an opportunity to help and instruct other Pirates to advance and grow into savvy scoundrels themselves.
We understand that Delmaria Darkskull recently passed his mantle of leadership to his trusted co-lead of Partners N Crime. We know full well that his shining example of unity as a truly exceptional Pirate and Guild officer continues making a positive impact across the high seas. Battle on, Captain Del!

Tip yer tricorne, mates, and help us cheer our winners this time around!
We hope to see even more remarkable Pirates in our next run of Savvy Swashbucklers!
It's pretty darn sweet that the majority of these "winners" are here on this forums. ;)

Congratulations to ye mates! Ye really do deserve this special recognition. :D :woot:
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would be joining the ranks of such fine pirates. I could not be more humbled right now than in my entire experience as a pirate in these fair waters.

I want to thank every pirate that has ever befriended me in the past, and to all of those that have upheld the movement to keep the Caribbean alive, well, and strong. I take this recognition in all of your honor.

Thank you so much, mates! This means the world to me!

Pirate on!