The -tion game!

Charles Warmonk

Wiki Staff
Made this game up 3 years ago and is quite fun just use words that end in -tion such as, education, population, and here is an explanation.

  1. One word per post. (must end in -tion.)

  2. Must be a single sentence.

  3. If someone else catches you repeating the same word already posted, they can notify a staff member.

  4. No more then 5 post a day or 2 post in a row.
  5. If you are waiting for the 5 posts interval between your posts on a forum game thread and have waited 3 days without being able to post, you may break the 5 post rule and reply to the game thread.
  6. Use your education! ;)

NOTE: "Any posts that violate these rules are subject to immediate deletion by the moderation team."
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