Recruiting The Tortugan Guard

Alex Warbones

Hello! this is the guild master of the Tortugan Guard! we are looking for pirates daring and willing enough to defend and protect the great pirate city of Tortuga! this land is ours and those navy scum can't have it! we're a young guild with about 45 strong right now, but plan to get a lot bigger! so if you're new to pirates, join our guild! we warmly welcome newbies with open arms and are willing to show them the ropes!

there are only three rules in the Tortugan guard!
1. respect your fellow pirates and guildmates, treat them as you wish to be treated.
2. If tortuga is under attack by an outside force, we must defend her with our lives!
3. Have fun! enjoy yourself and play the game!

we aren't a competative guild, however we do like to do things as a group and family. our officers are ready and waiting to help you in any situation that you might come across so don't hesitate to ask for help!

join code: TKOB7166 (if that doesnt work message me on the discord)
visit our discord!
Tortugan Guard logo and jolly.png (guild emblem created by Alex Warbones)

good luck and fair seas mates!
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