Things about our ships

Jim Hexskull

Wiki Staff
Ok I think we should be allowed to have a Captain's Quarter's. Where we can store weapons, gold, clothes, and other things we don't have room for. Also Pirate ships had many decks. Why not allow us to go below deck where more cannons would be for us to fire. And Have a Brig, where if you are rude on the ship or whatever. The Captain of the ship can click on your name and on your player card they will have a picture of jail bars. And you can send them to the brig and the only way to escape is to teleport back to an island. (Of course they would not be allowed back on this ship for the rest of the owner of the ships session) Also have a Rum Cellar. And add the emote to drink a bottle of rum. And we can go to the rum cellar and get rum to drink. Also be able to store extra ammo on the ship. Have that the muzzle load. And if the sink ships the muzzle load explodes and the ship cracks in half. Of course you wouldn't lose ammo or anything aboard the ship when it sinks. Let me know what you guys think! :rumgone:
but if you were on the deck when the boat sinks... your player survives and goes to jail, but he will drown inside the Captain's Quarter's :confused:
i agree, but we already have a rum cellar, on rumrunners Isle. or do you mean on the ship???