Suggestion TLOPO Guild Rank Customization

Do you want custom guild roles?

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Grey Vice


There are many many people who say that guilds should have more ranks, but I say add customizable ranks.
I used to play The Elder Scrolls Online a lot before TLOPO (700+ hours!)
One of the key things that made guilds in that game fun was the extent their devs took the customization.


There are many different features that a Guildmaster can choose from.
I believe this is how we could advance the game.

There is also a feature that when opening the guild page of the inventory,
there is a 'Message of the Day' and 'About Us'. This feature in TLOPO could
allow Guildmasters to type the rules and give a quick description of the guild.

I really think this would be an important feature.

-Grey Vice
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I would love to see this implemented in game! Lots of guilds have ranks similar to this anyway, so putting this in game would just better it for everyone. Nice work, Gru.