Tip Try to think about those who have less to be thankful for than us.


Pirate Lord
It's the holiday season once again and most of us have plenty to be thankful for and live a fairly safe and bountiful life. But even though we should do this all the time, the holidays make us think a little bit more about giving and getting.

Please try and buy an extra can of food, or look around in your pantry when doing your holiday shopping this year, it's not too late because people will be out tomorrow at the last minute for turkey supplies. Try and pause a moment and grab one or two extra cans and stop on your way home and drop them off at your local agency whom people also volunteer their time to help the less fortunate in our cites. Maybe even the store you shop at has a drop off. Any Fire, Police Department usually has a spot too.

It may not seem like much, but it adds up and the charities know people are still helping AND you'll feel the cheer in your cheeks.

Receiving is great. Giving is indescribable.

Have a great and safe holiday season all you pirates out there.
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