Event  Turning the Tide ~ Triangle of Terror

I don't feel like looking for the cool screenshots sooo here are some (almost) exactly the same screenshots! >_>

yea yea yea they all look the same >_>
live with it
What a night, mates!

Last night the Caribbean was put under martial law by one of the largest group of pirates this old seadog has ever seen, by undertaking a very daring mission. Only the bravest pirates and guilds from all over the Caribbean gathered to what would be a landmark in our War in the Caribbean, as the brethren army made it's assault on the British Naval bastions of Kingshead, Padres Del Fuego, and Port Royal.

The call was given a half hour before the event, and soon enough under the cover of dawn, the pirates made their way secretly to their headquarters on Cutthroat Island, away from prying Navy eyes.



Our first target laid just off on the horizon, buried under the haze of the morning - Kingshead, the largest of the Navy fortifications in the Caribbean. Even though the the island was pulverized by the pirates just a month ago, the Navy made quick work in repairing their structures, and taking them to new heights. Taking this as a challenge, the pirates gathered themselves and prepared to set sail.




As the Navy unre****lly held us off with their bayonets at the gates, we formed our riot just before them, gathering ourselves before we took the plunge in to the island.


Unfortunately I could not grab any screenshots during the raid as I was busy organizing the crowds and cutting down some redcoats myself, but I have you know that only within minutes did the pirates conquer the island, raising the Jolly Roger in the highest peak of the fort!

Of course, we were far from over - the Navy from the nearby islands had already caught word of the destruction of their precious stronghold, and attempted to squash our rebellion by sending a fresh fleet of ships out in to the Hinterseas to stop us. Unfortunately for them, over them we found numbers, viciousness, and overall, the will to fight and survive!



With the Hinterseas on flames once again and the barrier between us and the volcano island broken, we trudged forward through the streets of Padres Del Fuego, drawing much attention from civilians and wandering pirates who saw our army gather in numbers in the Gypsy District, just before the Lava Gorge. With fire in our hearts and rum in our stomachs, we drew our swords, and prepared to take on the longest leg of our journey!


The pirates stormed the Lava Gorge, making quick work of Jolly Roger's doormen, cutting them down and tossing them aside in to the hot lava that sat nearby. We quickly cut ourselves in to the Catacombs, where we could find our first person of interest hiding in the shadows - Bonerattler! Though not a servant of the Navy, we could not allow for Jolly's henchman to lead a surprise attack on us when we were most vulnerable. And so, the pirates quickly heeded their orders, running in and picking off the bag of bones like vultures.


Although we got the chance to wipe out the Southern Graves of the Catacombs, we were unable to raid the North, for the sake of time, and to make sure we kept focus on what mattered most - toppling those Navy scourges! We headed in to Beckett's precious mines, where we preyed on the unsuspecting guards, searching for our next target - one of Beckett's personal assassin's, Neban the Silent, who keeps charge of the Navy and East India forces on Padres with an invisible, iron fist.



With the soot covering our bodies and the coal shaking in our boots, we decided to head out in to the jungles to take a quick dip in the water - of course, we were quick in purging the waters of any beasts preying on our crew.


But as we cleansed the waters, and ourselves, I caught word of terrible news - Jolly Roger, the devil of the Caribbean, was raising forces at Las Pulgas in a desperate attempt to catch us off guard! Luckily the pirates still had it in them - and with a little extra kick, we stormed the back beach, our eyes on Jolly Roger's most decorated general, Darkhart!



It was at this point that victory was just within our reach, with all remaining Navy forces who hadn't been slaughtered or surrendered retreating back to Fort Charles on Port Royal. But, we had to keep a low profile - our attack on the Navy had to be quick, vicious, and a surprise! So, for a change, the masses of pirates were told to pile themselves on to just a small group of ships, disguised as merchant vessels, to help us reach Port Royal without alerting the guards.

And with the masses of ready pirates aboard my ship, it was a great opportunity to take a moment and speak with all the mates I'd been fighting alongside. In fact, some of them in their chatter said I should be given the title of Game Master, though I found it trivial at the most - after all, not only would this be impossible, but the only title I desire, as I said, was the rank of Captain amongst my fellow pirates.


The final assault was about to begin, which would decide the fate of all of us pirates. The army of brethren bravely gathered outside the doors of Fort Charles, where they received a final pep talk before charging on the fort.



And low and behold, all of our fighting had not gone to waste - in only a few minutes the fort had been surrendered to the pirates, flying the Jolly Roger high on the staff! The pirates had successfully kept the islands of the Caribbean safe once more, and we did it in such a fashion that we celebrated on our newly gained territory, turning the platform that was once used to hang pirates in to a dancing stage!



I want to thank all the pirates who made this possible, including all the guilds who came out in numbers to show their support, as well as the guild captains who helped organize the event. Guilds in attendance were:

  • Partners N Crime
  • Spania
  • Shadow Sorcerors
  • Dark Archive
  • Fortitudine Piratus
  • War Saints
  • Hearts A Fire
  • Passionate Pirates
  • The Blood List
  • Tiki Lords
  • Pure Madness
  • Emerald Regiment
  • Eagle Aye

Again, thank you to all who came out! You made this such a huge success, and it was an honor to lead you all!

See you all again very soon! More fun to come!

Happy pirating!