Virtual Tour: POTC "ride"

That was a long ride ... over 8 minutes. That was already a long experience for a virtual ride, I can't imagine if something like that would be made real. Must have taken acres of land and tons of investment. We could only wish. But that was a good virtual experience, would have been much better with more characters (skeletons, soldiers, fellow pirates) as well as side attractions.

Good finding and thank you for sharing, Shamus! :)
That was a long ride ... over 8 minutes. That was already a long experience for a virtual ride, I can't imagine if something like that would be made real. Must have taken acres of land and tons of investment. We could only wish.

Perhaps I am misunderstanding your statement & I apologize if what I mention below is previously understood...
To be sure (for those whom don't know), there is an "actual" Pirates of the Caribbean ride :piratemickey:. The virtual aspect of the ride shown within video above seems to be at least 95-99.9% accurate in comparison to the ride in real, if I remember correctly.

Anyway, thanks for taking time to view the video within it's entirety as (I have to say) I thought it was seriously cool!!! *Ahhh...the memories. ;)
:D I'm sorry, I've never ridden the POTC ride ... so it was an 'honest' mistake. I thought this was a concept somebody created if there were a ride like that. But on the other hand, not knowing that there was (is) actually an already built and operated ride, whoever designed this, needed to add elements that made it 'real'; the human characters, the side attractions, such as explosions here and there (like in the ship battle section up there), almost like a haunted house. I hope the real ride does have those.
Anyone else think it would be cool if someday they added like a Pirates of the Caribbean ride to the game? or add more references from the ride to the game? Since they have the dog already. :fight: