What does your pirate name mean to you?

How did you pick your pirate name?

  • I made it up,

    Votes: 13 59.1%
  • I just went with a common name.

    Votes: 4 18.2%

    Votes: 5 22.7%

  • Total voters

Charles Warmonk

Wiki Staff
This thread is for pirates to share their names. What does your pirate name mean to you? What made you pick the name? Do you like your pirate name? Did your just press the random button and did not care?

First, I picked Charles because it is my real name. Then I picked Warmonk not because it's a cool sounding oxymoron. Rather, it's something I thought of when I was a kid. Oddly I pictured the name as someone who is strong enough to fight a war and yet, kind enough to be a Monk... Haha laugh it up I know how funny and childish it sounds. Yet I still used to this day, it means everything to me now. I used to just brag about how cool it sounded and of course I was a old buff so it just made my ego bigger. Yet, over time I made friends who would call me by it everyday, every morning when I logged in I got at least 12 "WB!" or "(((((( WARMONK )))))))" when I logged on. I did not make my name great, or meaningful. The people around me who said it every morning welcoming me back are who made this name so much to me now. I am forever grateful to you all. You know who you are. :)

I have no idea if anyone shares this same feeling or experience about their pirate's name like I do. Share your pirate's name.

Mine will always be, Charles Warmonk.
Ello Charles :) I always have liked your name and I like the thinking.. Strong enough to fight a war and win it, yet the kindest person to ever walk the earth.

I made my name up because I didn't like the other names. had to wait a bit before it was approved but I am glad I chose Richard Fireskull.
I started as a typical noob but ended up working my way up the ropes and became a well respected officer. (Glad to have been an officer of DA with you Charles!)

I use this name in anything online in some form or another. In a story I wrote, I made my character wise and old yet he still could fight like a mad dog. A captain of an armada and leader of an empire. Though through all of it he still remained a calm and friendly pirate.. Battle-scarred and all.

Richard Fireskull seemed to roll off the tongue in a cool way when I made him and I was actually the very first player of POTCO to have made a toon named Richard Fireskull. there were a total of about maybe 7 and I had at least 3 of those pirates.

Long live the Fireskulls and love live pirates!

Bring me that horizon, Captain Warmonk. :)
Ello Charles :) I always have liked your name and I like the thinking.. Strong enough to fight a war and win it, yet the kindest person to ever walk the earth.

I made my name up because I didn't like the other names. had to wait a bit before it was approved but I am glad I chose Richard Fireskull.
I started as a typical noob but ended up working my way up the ropes and became a well respected officer. (Glad to have been an officer of DA with you Charles!)

I use this name in anything online in some form or another. In a story I wrote, I made my character wise and old yet he still could fight like a mad dog. A captain of an armada and leader of an empire. Though through all of it he still remained a calm and friendly pirate.. Battle-scarred and all.

Richard Fireskull seemed to roll off the tongue in a cool way when I made him and I was actually the very first player of POTCO to have made a toon named Richard Fireskull. there were a total of about maybe 7 and I had at least 3 of those pirates.

Long live the Fireskulls and love live pirates!

Bring me that horizon, Captain Warmonk. :)
I am not close to the kindest person on earth xD I have a bit of a ego at times as anyone who knows me knows... :p

Great story behind your pirate name Rich o: - I hope other pirates share their story behind their names as well! :)
I liked the idea of finding treasure so Fortune made sense. The last name of Burnskull was an identifier with the red/orange hair and beard. Nothing profound but thought it would help people remember the name with the toon. The name evolved quickly for me. Nobody likes typing out the whole name so the nickname Fort became my primary name. The sign of strength in the name Fort seemed appropriate so it stuck.
The name was for the most part custom, as random as the name sounds. The first name came about when I sat there looking at my character and trying to come up with a name that seemed to fit how he looked and his general persona. I went through a list of names, including my IRL name, and none seemed to fit until I went back through and found Ben. Somehow, it seemed to click as I looked at the character and repeated the name over and over.
Then I went through the last names and for the first part of it I chose Cabin because when you think of the word Cabin, generally you think of somewhere calming, serene and beautiful that's tucked away in some secret corner of the earth. I wanted Ben to be able to be calm and induce calm to his friends and allies, be attractive and yet could appear suddenly and disappear just as suddenly, creating a sort of mystery man.
The final part, Grin, came about because there are so many types of grins, there are wicked grins, evil grins, happy grins, lazy grins, etc. That's how Ben was, he'd grin when charging into battle, he'd grin when a foe lost his life, he'd grin when playing blackjack, generally he liked to grin at life.
Of course, Ben had hardships as he went through difficult times, but he both came out of the conflicts stronger, both internally and externally. He had laughs, he had tender moments, he had times of sorrow and anger, but through it all he managed to rise above the darkness and embrace and wield the light of serenity and willpower. Ben may not have been very well-known, but you knew if he was around he had your back.
Well hmm...

Irene is quite common, or maybe not so much, that's why I used it. I used to see many with the same names around like Richard, William, James, Jack, Elizabeth, Rose. I really deeply dislike all those common names now, no offense to anyone. So I wanted something different no one else would use. Irene happens to be my real name and nobody else had it, except 4 other lvls1; yes I had checked the leaderboards to figure out :p

Soo yeah, I've been Irene since then, never regretted. And I kind of use it in other games too with some changes.
When rich first started potco he had a level 40 named samuel that was friends with him. Then samuel quit or something so i was going to make a pirate name it samuel and get it level 40 but i never did because of lack of UA. But i did get it level 34 thats close enough :)
Nothing elaborate in mine, most of them came from movies, or songs, or whatever hit me at the time. I was watching Stephen King's Dreamcatcher, and it seemed like a good one. I was eating nachos when Holy Guacamole was born, spicy little thing she was. And my Aunt's name was Irene, I think that makes a great pirate name.
My very first character on POTCO was named Eric Bladebeard....I made him when the game first came out. I was 8 years old at the time and thought it was the coolest sounding name a pirate could have :p Then I created a new pirate named Rogue because of an inspiration from a story I was working on.
Happy Pirating :cheers:
My pirate name was picked out of random. Honestly, I was looking for a name that nobody else has used; I wanted to be the only Mark Scurvyfox in all the Carribbean so people would recognize me more easily. From what I remember, I tracked down the leaderboards for a little in order to find the most suitable one for my baby pirate.

Mark Scurvyfox was born. (12/15/2007)
My friends that I started playing POTCO with all had shot parts (SwordShot, Darkshot) in their names so I went with Warshot and then I thought of Solomon because y'know Solomon the Wise even though I can guarantee you at the time I played this that I was anything but wise. I did enjoy the name though either way cause I ended up getting a pretty neato nickname from the Solomon part. lol
My name is Bess and therefore I got really excited when I saw Bess was one of the name options, it is just such a rare name. After that I had to find just the right last name to match. It did not take me long to get to Shoregrim if I remember right. It was just the right amount of dark and just the right amount of piratey. I was also in a hurry to get to actual game play. POTCO had to have been the fasted name choice ever for me. Ever since then my pirate alter ego has been Bess Shoregrim even outside the game. I never found another pirate with the same name, there were similar pirates, but no other Bess Shoregrim as far as I know.