What is your favorite weapon to used it pvp?

My weapons kinda fail so... :facepalm:
I usually use Masterwork bc of the critical, it does alot of damage. I sometimes use Seven Seas Cutlass tho, bc of the Parry and Endurance boost.
any weapon mainly doll so i can annoy de peeps i pvp SO I WILL NEVER SEE THERE SORRY FACES AGAIN...... MUAHAHA!!!!!!https://piratesforums.co/styles/default/xenforo/clear.pnghttps://piratesforums.co/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png
Hmm, for jumping pvp, i used Nautilus Blade and Demon Fangs

For a regular pvp, i used a broadsword, gun with silvershot boost, doll, and daggers