Discussion What keeps you playing?

Fred Anderson

Forum Mod
Is it your guild? Whether because of the people or the strict "Inactive for an hour and you'll be kick" or Is it your friends? That always make you "LOL" every 5 minutes. or Is it the frustrating of looting for 3 hours and getting bright yellow sack vest. What is it?
A multitude of things keep me in-game (Not including my duties on the Forums ;) )

The first would be Miz @RubythePirate always making a boring time great, and just being around for me.

The second would be Sir @Beggar and his guild, Greed & Glory, to be able to have a good group of people to loot with 24/7 and to converse with.

Finally, would be the fleeting nostalgia of playing POTCO all over. It's great, and it isn't the biggest thing anymore (Two years of playing near consistently will do that.), but I am forever thankful of the work the Developers put in to keep the ol' TLOPO engine up n' running.
Me creating stupid little goals like getting all the legendary sabres first has been what has kept me playing since I came back in december but as that fades my guild has become the main reason I keep playing. I was guildless for all of 2018 but I cant imagine being without it

The nostalgia of actually playing potco again really died off in the Alpha. Ive got more nostalgia for tlopo 2015 than I do for potco now it seems lol
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Seeing a bunch of jumpers creating drama. It's so stupid but funny at the same time. Also sailing is pretty cool especially since the ship ai actually gives you somewhat of a challenge.
100% my friends in Dark Archive. We will be celebrating 10 years together this August. We have so many new friends in TLOPO and a lot of old friends from POTCO who still play. It's always exciting to get a nice shiny new weapon or that piece of clothing you have been looking for but those moments are rare. The daily interactions of my mates is what keeps me playing and coming back for more.
wai yu pley gaem?

Well... I don't know honestly. I logged on tonight, forgot I was logged on, then alt-tabbed back in, launched my ship, sank because I alt-tabbed again and forgot I was sailing, and now after breaking out of jail I've been jumping off the dock at Port Royal for like 10 minutes listening to a history documentary.

So in conclusion like... I'm not actually sure.
It's a mix of nostalgia and semi-frequent content drops. Not to mention, it's unexplainably nice to just chill out for a few hours and make new friends grinding Darkhart or Jimmy Legs. Everyone in-game is really nice, so it's a shame that I was the last active member in a guild of 300 for the last like ten months.
The desire to see what new stuff the staff has planned for this game. Love some of the ideas they have brought to life! Hopefully some more new stuff is added soon..
Part of it is the community. Part of it is the nostalgia. Part of it is that it is just fun to be a pirate. I have also really enjoyed watching the game improve from Alpha to Beta and beyond. There is something satisfying about having glitches and bugs disappear and the game expanding.
Honestly, it's hard to find a reason to continue playing this game lately. I guess what keeps me coming back is the nostalgia and hoping that it will revitalize itself eventually.
I would say that the biggest thing that keeps me playing the game is the happy joyful replies that I receive after helping out another player. Rather cheesy, but rather simple. When a player asks a question for something they are unsure about, I'm always willing to step up to the plate to give them guidance towards the answer they need. Or rather, when they request for help, I make sure to be that level 50 mercenary on standby to provide aid where it is needed. Many have heard several times, others may have heard this for the first, but as my guild mates have witnessed, as well as other individual players around that I get in contact with, each know if they need me for anything - my door is always open to them. The mass of orange text that I receive in questions, and requests for help may also play apart in the reason I remain in the game - in being glad there is still a demand for me.

I have had the pleasure of running Armed Guards "Member-Achievement" page, where I go and find (and complete myself to make sure they are fair) some of the thrilling handmade challenges for our guild members to be competitive about (I figured this would give level 50's who are bored something to do as well even though I have tiers built in for every level). Some of these challenges are things like "Timed Loot Runs" where I take note of how quickly someone can sail around and fill their cargo and port, "Solo Boss Battle: Foulberto" where pirates get strategic on how they want to fight him, and the most recent that I had came across - accidentally: "Solo Rage Ghost - With a sword". ;)

Although most players that have been around for long periods of time might say that there are plenty of "not so kind" pirates lurking about - as a motivated player, I would also say that I actively want to be able to fulfill the personal mission of combating against that, to form a community/safe-haven that welcomes old/new and simply go out to enjoy the game and the nostalgia that it brings most of us veteran players - even if it only consists of a tight group of a few people.

It's certainly a long list - but each of these things do actively play a role as to why I am still in the game - and the reasoning as to why I will continue to be here for as long as I am able to be.

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