What was the most friends you had online?

Charles Warmonk

Wiki Staff
My personal rescored was 83. However, the only SS I have for proof is 75 so that's my best. I think this picture was taken the day they where going to give out Desert Claw and Viper's Kiss. Post your record here :p

Wow 100...... crazy. - Also I talked to 50 of my 75. The other 25 where busy looting/PvP most of the time. XD

*Takes Zombie Hat Off* R.I.P POTCO..... Love live the players though!
Well, about what? The friends, or my position in EITC?Well, about what? The friends, or my position in EITC?
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Well i never really used the screenshot button. You will just have to take my word for it, that i had to delete old friends that never came on. I really dont care if you believe me or not :p
Have ye ever seen Meg McHayes on here?Oh im so sorry. You ment online? I have had 78 online on a Friday Night :p
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Well you can send it here or wiki or Facebook whenever you like. - I'm not JustThatKat or John Foulrobers at editing.... but I'm pretty good if I don't say so myself :p