Question What would happen if for whatever reason, TLOPO had to close?


Pirate Apprentice
Out of curiosity, what would you guys do if TLOPO ended up having to shut down its servers? Not because of Disney or anything like that, but for example you can no longer run it on your servers because of, i dunno, financial issues or whatnot. Would you guys end up open-sourcing it, or would you just leave it to gather dust?

Also somewhat the same question. Do you guys plan on open-sourcing TLOPO after it's 100% finished, so that way we'll be able to start our own private servers and such? I'd be interested in taking a look into the code of the server, it'd be a pretty fun playground to mess with as well if you ask me.
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I have no doubt that TLOPO would never open source their project for reasons. Even if it had to shut down for whatever reason. I could potentially see an individual leaking the source anonymously, after its all said and done, but TLOPO as a group would never open source what they have.