Question When will there be open beta?

There is no set date for when Open Beta will be, I just wanna clarify that.

I'm personally guessing it'll be a few months at least. There's a lot of bugs in the game right now that the devs are making a priority, so optimizing the servers is still a concern but probably not the top concern at the moment.
You just have to remain patient, keep engaged w/ the news feed & IRC chat & the forums, and try to get as much playtime as possible!

It'll be a while, friend. Might as well get comfortable! :)
I think we'll see a bigger playtime slot increase before we see an open beta, and I think open beta will come before we know it!

Time flies when you're having fun!:hobbyhorse:
Well, there are a lot of factors to consider. You could argue that semi-open alpha's length spanned some 5-6 months if I can remember, and then further argue that semi-open beta's length would be somewhat comparable, but personally I feel like semi-open alpha could've been open alpha after a certain period of time. The servers, in my opinion, didn't have a huge load to bear with alpha having less content overall and having less players trying to get in. Now we enter beta, though, and with more content and more players wanting to play, I think there could be a sort of a setback on the progress of making the game open to everyone, which is necessary. So I think another few months, maybe 3-4, is realistic.