Question Why am I being cheated?


Last night I got off at the end of my time slot, then of corse set a new one for today. When I tried to get on this morning the system informed I am banned! I found out on the website that I am banned for 24 hours; because, of "Inappropriate Comments"!!!
Now I dont know how I can be kicked for Inappropriate Comments while Im not on, but I think that its because of a glitch. I am very upset im am loosing two time slots worth of time today for no reason, and hope that if anyone on here acctually reads this that they will give me some time back for me being screwed!!!

contact me at
oh boy I just noticed the time I got banned! Its almost an hour and a half after my time slot!!!! there is no way I could have been banned legit.
No one here can accurately answer this question as the forums are run by different people than TLoPO.
If you wish to appeal the ban/find out if it's some kind of bug/find out exactly what it was for then you should
maybe talk to TLoPO support about this, there is a link below. :)
I'm guessing that the moderators didn't review your chat logs until after you logged off, which was the reason for your ban being delayed showing up as later. Or maybe it is simply a glitch like others are saying.