Will Graphics Be Significantly Better?

The graphics themselves would not get any upgrades until after an official full release. Remastering graphics is very difficult and lengthy process.

On the other hand, performance improvements and better optimization are actively being worked on and will remain a priority.
not for e very long time after full release, which doesn't seem like it will happen very soon. Also the tlopo team is at the moment focused on putting content into the game, then fixing bugs, then maybe, just maybe will graphics be improved
If the graphics are improved after launch I hope there will be an option to switch back to the old graphics (for nostalgia purposes).
I doubt that, upgrading so many resources would take really long time. I saw what Panda3D is capable of and I know without a doubt it would handle better graphics, but the real question is if there's anyone willing to do it. ;)
I am pretty sure they'll evaluate their options once the game is fully restored up to its condition before shutdown. They've added the old Vanilla POTCO skybox, which was a very nice addition and looks nicer than the slightly simpler one from later on. I prefer a focus on optimization over graphics for now.

If the graphics are ever improved I'd like to see it be more quality of life/immersion changes as opposed to art style changes. Stuff like improved render distances, more distant scenery, sun beams, shadow map increases, and character model proportion smoothing (characters look a bit jagged and not even from multiple angles) would be stuff I would consider.

If significant graphical overhauls were considered then I would add an option to use the old graphical style. I love the base style and aesthetic of Potco, and would like to see it remain as an option in TLOPO.

But ultimately they need to complete the game restoration and optimization first, which is the ultimate goal of the project in the first place.
I like the graphics as they are now. Changing them would just destroy it. Wouldn't be the game it used to :/