Ye are trying to login from a new location -what does that mean?

I did get a verify email yesterday saying I am log in from a new location..i don't know if its a cookies or not that my cookies get delete every once and while...the verify was very fast click click and you log in again..i have no issue doing that.we should all play by the rules
20 verifications ?? Hope you get as many then if you like to keep verifying the same location multiple times over and over .........
so I have a question does anyone else get the 511 error message like I got it like 4 times today twice from la and 2 from sanfransico ive never been to these place even when I lived in cali I only went to san jose for work and Stockton for schooling that's it and its asking me to verify and im not going to cause one its not me and 2 I never been there plus I change my password 4 times and each time it said the 511 and I got a notice in my email idk if anyone else is having this prob I set up my 2 step still happens and now it wont let me play with out verifying plus I contacted tlopo support for times and heard nothing back that was this morning and I wanna know how to set up arrrmor idk how to add a location it just says error and on top of that I live in ohio now for 5 years and i'm over 2000 mile away in another state how is it i log in 4 times from ohio and my account has been attempted to log in four different times with four different passwords and its happening over 2000 miles away in two different cities that are 8 hours apart
I use to have that issue with Dallas Texas and Atlanta Georgia before unsure whats up with that. Don't live in those towns nor in those states.
Locations that Arrrmor displays won't always be accurate. Arrrmor relies on a geographical database that is only roughly accurate, so in many cases it will display a city that will look incorrect. It's pretty safe to ignore this and just add the location.

The frequency in which this occurs largely depends on how your ISP distributes an IP address to you. If your IP address changes a lot, chances are you'll be prompted to approve a location more often. If your IP doesn't change a lot, you can go a long time without needing to do this (if at all).

You can read more about Arrrmor on the TLOPO website:
ya I just figured it out yesterday I went to log in and it changed to columbus ohio so this whole time it was me and didn't even know my isp was being wonky