Your Bright & Dark Clothes

Maria's clothing inventory.jpg
You got a Bright Orange too! :lol1:. I just got a Lavender shirt. :angel:.

Ok, Rose i am truely jealous of all ur brights and darks!:arrrrr: Lol. I want them.:parrot:
I rly want Dark Black Corset so badly!!!!!!:arrrrr:. My friend got hers on a fishing boat. :sad1:. I can never find it fishing. Everybody i know says go to Kings head or Ravens Cove or Tormenta. Today i went fishing on the Fishing Boat and all i got was a Magenta Puffy Sleeve shirt.-_- I wanted it to be a Corset. I rly never get any bright or dark corsets. Its always and ugly old shirt. -_-. But i do have Bright Orange Skirt Thats the only Bright thing i rly like Truely -_-. :mad:. I have been Fighting for it for what seems like forever ( about a month ) Its killing me. :fight:.