Your favorite song/music video (3)


Shamus The Brute

Ahhhhhhhhh too many non spoiler posts already D:

I'd like to remind everyone to please review the Guideline that is sticky'd to this board on videos. Please <3

Big Log - Robert Plant

(Sorry don't know how to add spoiler.)
in brackets [ ] for example
[Sparky]Video[/Sparky] but replace Sparky with spoiler and lowercase.
When I first heard this song as a kid, I guess I didn't understand it very well, it was just a good song back then. I was a kid, what the heck did I know? As you continue to put years in your rear view mirror, it's meanings are driven home much more clearly, and you begin to understand that every moment in your life, every person who enters it ... and leaves it ... has a hand in making you the person that you are at the end. I just wish at the end, I can remember them all, because one way or another, all of them are me...
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