Your School/Work Related Pet Peeves

We all have things we despise when we're at school. (Ah heck, I'll make it work related too) Post your ultimate pet peeves here!

For me... Prepare for a LONG list.

  • When people continually ask to borrow a pencil/other object
  • When people won't BE QUIET during class...
  • The unprepared people
  • People that constantly get yelled at and waste everyone's time
  • People who walk TOO SLOW in the hallway
  • When a substitute teacher doesn't know what to do...
  • When the announcements over the loudspeaker interrupt everything
  • Those annoying kids in the hallway that make loud obnoxious noises
  • Tattletales...
  • Too much homework
  • Too many big projects
  • When people gang up on you and start yelling at you when you make ONE mistake on something -_-
  • Those huge lines of people talking that block 3/4 of the hallway and you have like a foot from the wall to pass them
  • People who make a big deal of everything
  • When you get a bad grade on something you knew you would get a good grade on
  • People who abruptly stop in front of you in the hall
  • The drama queens
  • When you have the urge to go on this forum during school... But you know you'll get caught
*takes deep breath* Ok I'm done now... Might've missed some... But now it's your turn to post yours! ;)
Have a few...
Popular stuck-up snobs...
Those kids that think they're smarter than Einstein...
When they have to cram about 50 kids from a broken bus into mine.. -_-....
When the Gym teachers make us run in the blazing southern heat on our shadeless track...
The random hurricane drills which interrupt me while I'm reading.
And, the most annoooyyyinnngg one of all...
When. Guys. Don't. Stop. Staring.

Customers who are "in a hurry" and rush me...
Those times when the manager thinks they're the CEO of the place and order everyone around like we're slaves
Annoying little kids who keep running around like little hairless monkeys and knocking things over.
Customers who don't put things back where they got them ^-^!
People who come to the 'xpress lane' with like 50 items and make everyone complain to me >_>
Can think of more but I'm too lazy to type 'em
John pretty much summed up what I was gonna say but some things that do annoy me are..

When kids try to act like they are the coolest kid to have ever lived
When you get a grade back, and before you even see what you get, some random classmate would be like "WHAT DID YOU GET?!"
When people think they are 'God' when they ace a half page quiz on the easiest thing ever.
When you walk into the bathroom, there's a bunch of younger kids in lower grades just standing there awkwardly staring.
And last of all, When your teacher RANDOMLY calls on you, when that teacher knows that you don't know the answer to the question.
And last of all, When your teacher RANDOMLY calls on you, when that teacher knows that you don't know the answer to the question.
OMG I completely forgot about that one!!! My Social Studies teacher LOVES to pick on me. I'll just be writing something or blankly staring (still paying attention though) and she'll call on me. Like every class period too... I'm so tired and bored in SS xD
John you and I have a lot in common lol.

To name a few:
  • Kids who are lazy and ask me "Can I borrow your homework?"
  • Kids who disrespect the teachers and the principal
  • The Loud Speaker that interrupts the teachers’ lectures
  • When teachers expect you to know something that hasn't been taught yet
  • Bullies
  • Those guys that want a dollar every day
  • Kids that walk slow in the hallway. Causing me to be late!
  • Kids who walk down or up the stairs on the wrong side
I could write a book, but these be the major ones. (To add, people who look at me weird when I talk like a pirate)
i have many
. when people ask you stupid questions while your trying to learn
. when people talk to you and YOU get in trouble for talking
. hall passes
. writing assiments
. when the " bad kids " or bully's say something you dont quite understand but you know its a hidden message for something very bad
. when kids talk in spanish to confuse everyone ( i dunno about other states but its very common in texas )
. assignments that make no sense and seem stupid
. teachers
. principals
. assitent principals
. counselers
. cafeteria ladies
. cageteria food
. cafeteria
. hallways
. when people steal from you when nobodys looking then when they get caught they say it was theirs originally and their just taking it back from a theif
i think yall get the point now
You guys have covered a lot of mine too:

-When people walk to slow or stand there and block the walkway
-When people play things like Halo in class (its an online based school and it makes the internet slow)
-When people ask to borrow things and you never see it again
-When you have never talked to someone and you happen to have some sort of food they want and they're all like "OMG HEY CAN I HAS SOME =DDDDDDDDDD"
-When other kids who can't stand up for themselves get verbally bullied and the principle says "OH ITS JUST HIGH SCHOOL THERES NOTHING WE CAN DO"
-When people who could care less about learning WONT SHUT UP.
-People who act all snobby/attitudish
-Principles that have the staff on puppet strings.
-Principles that are dictators >.>
-Principles that implements random nonsensical rules just because he/she has the power to do so
-Teachers that don't care whether you succeed in life or not
-Staff of school that doesn't correct the behaviors of kids when they are supposed to
-When people steal stuff off your desk/other (especially when its PAPER)
-People who ask to COPY my homework... NO YOU MAY NOT
-Kids who take the free education and opportunities they have access to for granted
-People who can't stick to one side of the walkway... goodness -__-
-When the teachers get no respect from unruly kids because they are too soft with them
-Kids who curse at the teachers... seriously?
-People into all of the drama/ overdramatic people
-Earthquake drills.. help. me.

Think I'm done... >.>
Oh lord...
  • Math teachers who never teach but talk about their life
  • Slow walkers [Mostly Girls, Smsh]
  • People who ask to "borrow" a pencil
  • Too many projects
  • When my locker refuses to open
  • Rude People
  • People who use fowl language as every other word
  • When a pencil won't sharpen
  • Subs that are/make awkward
  • Overly dramatic people
  • School Bathroom [Sick]
  • 3 Flights of stairs I have to walk 5 times a day
  • Rude Librarian
  • When people won't shut up
  • Slow lunch ladies
  • Nasty school lunches
  • Bullies
All I can think of for now..
well when ppl are rude
when my world civ. teacher sprays me with berrys and honey freebreeze -_-
when my moron of a english teacher gives us a 3 day assignment then the next day tells us to turn it in
when the school janitor unjams my locker so i have to do the combination every time
when people always say hey man can i borrow that homework
when you have food and there like can i have some? (i usually say "what do i look like a freaking food bank?)
when my math teacher acts like shes so smart then whips out her calculator for easy stuff
when ppl take up the whole hallway
when people take your stuff
when they draw things in your binder and on important papers
when they ask me for tobacco. um i dont do tobacco you noobs. (dipping is VERY big in my school)
when my biology teacher is really boring (24/7/365)
when you get lunch and the lunch ladies go "if you dont get a milk we are gonna have to charge your items individually!" LUNCH IS CHEAPER THIS WAY!
when that person asks you for pen/pencil paper or money EVERY.FREAKING.DAY
when the teachers act like this project is "so much fun!"
when your staring off into space during class and the teacher calls on you
when your teacher smells bad so you spray him back with freebreeze and he writes you up
when people bully others
when everyone is acting like an idiot when a sub is there
when your sub is an idiot
when people call me gay because i want to be a photographer. i say "well uh im not. and you while your busy calling me this stuff im learning and your not so have fun working at the minit-mart when your 50 years old bc your dumb"
and finally school altogether
Been working under endless pressures,

Longing for a friendliness among co-workers,

what you want is NOT always what you get.​

Why is the rum coffee gone?

Do you know you are already 40 minutes late for an important meeting, dude?

Can someone help please?Ahhh... Echo comes from restroom.

Gossip Girls In da House!!! Complainer. Unless you are a very very good listener.

Always Loafing on the job.

I guess we are all suffocating. Can't really confront those peevers.​
Well, Keep boosting the endurance! Cheers mates!​
I've only been working at Sear's for 2 weeks and I already have some pet peeves
  1. That one employee [not boss/manager] who acts like her way is the only way people should do things
  2. Customers who can't decide what they want
  3. When you just organized something. You take a 15 minute break and you find out someone messed it up
  4. Customers who act like the employees are their slaves
  5. When your boss has a few things that need to be done and they give you the hardest job
  6. When your paycheck is a week behind schedule
  7. When you don't get enough hours
  8. When you find out how many hours the other employees get
  9. Employees who steal stuff right in front of you cause they know you can't tackle them down or grab them
  10. When you make plans and at the last second your asked to work late
I've only been working at Sear's for 2 weeks and I already have some pet peeves
  1. That one employee [not boss/manager] who acts like her way is the only way people should do things
  2. Customers who can't decide what they want
  3. When you just organized something. You take a 15 minute break and you find out someone messed it up
  4. Customers who act like the employees are their slaves
  5. When your boss has a few things that need to be done and they give you the hardest job
  6. When your paycheck is a week behind schedule
  7. When you don't get enough hours
  8. When you find out how many hours the other employees get
  9. Employees who steal stuff right in front of you cause they know you can't tackle them down or grab them
  10. When you make plans and at the last second your asked to work late

I like this it is good and i think they should do that at school don't you will
ha ha.. well...
- kids who sit in the back of the room and wont shut up
- kids who sit in the front of the room and think they are obligated to finish the teacher's sentences -_-
- teachers who LOSE your homework and make you do it all over again
- That teacher who NEVER gets your work back to you
- people who are late for class
- people who always have some sort of excuse for why they don't have their homework
- people who ask everyone what their grades are
- when our teacher dismisses us late and we miss our next class
- getting in trouble for being "out of uniform"
- having to do ALL the work on group projects
- having to wait for a teacher to explain something for the 100th time because some people are confused
- those kids who are like, "what, we have a test today?!"
- people who get the teacher off-topic so we have extra stuff to do for homework
- when I look over and people are just starring at me or my test -_-

I think that's about it... lol
-People in the hall who walk slow or randomly stop
-When people ask if you have any gum
-When my locker decides to not open
-Akward moments
-People who start drama
-Teachers and other people who dress code too much
-Rude people
-Due dates ^_^
We all have things we despise when we're at school. (Ah heck, I'll make it work related too) Post your ultimate pet peeves here!

For me... Prepare for a LONG list.

  • When people continually ask to borrow a pencil/other object
  • When people won't BE QUIET during class...
  • The unprepared people
  • People that constantly get yelled at and waste everyone's time
  • People who walk TOO SLOW in the hallway
  • When a substitute teacher doesn't know what to do...
  • When the announcements over the loudspeaker interrupt everything
  • Those annoying kids in the hallway that make loud obnoxious noises
  • Tattletales...
  • Too much homework
  • Too many big projects
  • When people gang up on you and start yelling at you when you make ONE mistake on something -_-
  • Those huge lines of people talking that block 3/4 of the hallway and you have like a foot from the wall to pass them
  • People who make a big deal of everything
  • When you get a bad grade on something you knew you would get a good grade on
  • People who abruptly stop in front of you in the hall
  • The drama queens
  • When you have the urge to go on this forum during school... But you know you'll get caught
*takes deep breath* Ok I'm done now... Might've missed some... But now it's your turn to post yours! ;)

Is there any possibility we can be in the same school (lol)? That's like MY list of school-related pet peeves too! I feel like yelling: QUIET U STUPID FROOBCAKE!!!
i have many
. when people ask you stupid questions while your trying to learn
. when people talk to you and YOU get in trouble for talking
. hall passes
. writing assiments
. when the " bad kids " or bully's say something you dont quite understand but you know its a hidden message for something very bad
. when kids talk in spanish to confuse everyone ( i dunno about other states but its very common in texas )
. assignments that make no sense and seem stupid
. teachers
. principals
. assitent principals
. counselers
. cafeteria ladies
. cageteria food
. cafeteria
. hallways
. when people steal from you when nobodys looking then when they get caught they say it was theirs originally and their just taking it back from a theif
i think yall get the point now
amen brother

my two most annoying things. i hold my hand up forever and the teacher dosent call on me. and whenwhen the teacher calls on people and they look blank for awhile
I think in addition to many things that me and Foulroberts both find to be annoying, I think an annoying thing in school is, instead of people going not fast enough, they go TOO fast and bump into you. So many faces of running people i've felt like high-fiving.