
All Hypixel does to open an Iron Door is hook up a signal to an RS NorLacth. If that makes any sense.
He also uses BUD switches for his music disk thingys. A boss drops the music disk you put it in the jukebox and it activates the redstone opening the door/teleporting you to the next area.
It is a server hosted by a friend from another game. so I dont think that would happen, but I might be able to work something out.

Oh I was on the server yesterday and set up my own nether portal (2nd one on over world) and went in. I ended up in the Nether inside the bunker I helped to build. when I tried to go back to my portal, it sent me to the portal some other players made.

I played around on single player and had 3 portals, and it alternated between them.

but on the server, it only sends me back to the original portal (in fact, my portal created a 2nd portal i the Nether near the original.

Any solutions/ideas?
On Xbox 360 found a strong hold with a dungeon inside of it and a abandon mineshaft going through it
The first thing I think of when I hear "Dungeon" is "Xp/item farm" and mindshaft " Annoying cave spiders"

I really wish I didn't destroy all my spawners on my single player D:
Got Xbox 360 version not too long ago. If someone PMs me their gamertag, I can add you and we can play together.
If I had a 360 I would be playing it, but I don't. :/

On another note, how many of you are looking foreword to the 1.5 update?
Definitely me. Also, micotheone, even if you had the 360, you'd need to buy Microsoft Points and buy Minecraft with them. (I believe you need 1600 Microsoft Points.)
lol a enderdragon that doesn't move