POTCO - Minecraft

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Update! 6/30/14

I am done with stage 1 of the project, I have successfully converted each and every POTCO model into Minecraft. I'm glad I am done with this stage too. It was pretty boring and tedious, however I am glad I got it done on schedule! Anyways I will be moving onto stage 2 which involves fixing anything that may need to be fixed. Which is a lot of work, but it should be relatively easy as I will be working within Minecraft and not with McEdit, Binvox, Viewvox, Blender, and Command Prompt.

The update...

Port Royal
Screenshot is within McEdit because the island is huge and won't load all the way in Minecraft. The mountains are slightly lower than they are in POTCO because I was almost at the height limit for Minecraft (256 blocks tall). However it still looks like Port Royal to me!
Capture.PNG screenshot-Mon-Jun-30-20-00-02-2014-3172.jpg

Stage 2 - Fixes
Today I fixed Tortuga and Black Pearl island. Tortuga is no longer on top of the Privateering Ocean Rocks, and Black Pearl Island is mirrored in the correct direction.
2014-06-30_21.39.07.png 2014-06-30_21.34.45.png
Update! 7/3/14

I figured I would give an update before I go on vacation tomorrow as I will not have internet. I will however bring a laptop to continue working on the project. This week I have started working on stage 2 of the project. On tuesday I spent what time I had and made a Minecraft server along with some plugins that aid in terraforming and building. On Wednesday I realized how long it had been since I had used the plugins, and I had entirely forgotten the commands and how to use it. I spent most of that day watching tutorials and I did a little bit of work on Port Royal. Today I have pretty much finished up the beaches of Port Royal. I have gotten the hang of how to use the plugins and it didn't take all that long to get this far, I started late so this was a little less than an hour of work. I have also finished the teleportation system to each of the islands so it is easy to get around.

Port Royal

Update! 7/7/14

Small update. I didn't work on the map much on vacation. It was vacation so I did a lot of stuff and also the laptop I brought was not the best and I hardly got anything done when I did work on it. Today I managed to get a fair bit of Port Royal done but it is still not even remotely finished. I still have to add the Fort Charles area, the other half of the mountains, and not to mention fix the mountains. The problem is with the mountains on Port Royal they converted extremely thin (only one block thin). Anyways when I try to mass fill it in with a plugin, it won't work or won't look right. So I end up having to hand place the blocks on the large mountains which takes a long time and isn't very fun.

Port Royal
Got all of the town fixes done.
The large mountains are still on the to-do list though.

Update! 7/8/14

I got a lot done today. Nearly done with fixing Port Royal. I decided to just use the plugins on the large mountains anyways. It saves me a lot of time and isn't so boring. They don't look exactly like the actual ones but they are close enough. Anyways, today I got the Fort Charles area done and most of the mountains visible from the ground. Some of the mountains are still a bit rough.

Port Royal
screenshot-Tue-Jul-08-20-01-58-2014-1900.jpg 2014-07-08_20.02.45.png 2014-07-08_20.04.09.png
Update! 7/10/14
Port Royal is nearly finished, it is taking a lot more time and effort than I originally thought so do not expect me to finish stage 2 on time. I may need at least another week but I will try my hardest. I just need to build/terraform some mountains behind the island so that the mountains are not cut in half. Everything else is done. I have found out an easier way to fix the holes in the mountains so that will help tremendously for the other islands. I should be done with Port Royal tomorrow. After that I think I will work on a few Wild Islands because the Main Islands are a ton of work. I may also revise my plan because working on the same things over and over again may get tedious and I am already on the verge of being burnt out. What do you guys think of a custom texture pack for this map? And what do you guys think of me finishing up some of the already fixed islands, IE: doing steps 3 and 4 for some of the islands?


Update! 7/11/14

Port Royal is finished with stage 2. Just finished the mountains behind the island. Tomorrow I will start working on some other islands, and possibly a texture pack.

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Update! 7/12/14 IMPORTANT!

Raven's Cove is finished with step #2.

Raven's Cove

2014-07-12_20.25.48.png screenshot-Sat-Jul-12-20-30-48-2014-5285.jpg
2014-07-12_20.26.09.png screenshot-Sat-Jul-12-20-30-12-2014-3189.jpg

Updated plan

I also have an important announcement regarding this project. I am changing the plan of what I am doing and when. You can see it below, it does push things back a bit but it has to be done for me to have an acceptable project. I still do not know of a good time for the completion of the map but I have decided that I will try my hardest to get it done by the end of the year. This may seem long to some of you, but to me it seems like not even enough time then but we will see. I have decided to work on a custom texture pack. This will take a while. But I weighed the pros and cons and I decided that the map will look a lot better with the POTCO textures. I may have to put the project on hold when school starts again in August though. I have no idea how hard my classes will be so we will have to see.

  1. Convert all islands to a Minecraft format. DONE! ✓
    • This includes ~
      • Converting and positioning islands correctly (Mirroring if needed, rotating, etc.)
      • All islands will not yet be in a position correct to the POTCO ocean.
  2. Fix all minor/major problems with the islands (EST. COMPLETION July 20th)
    • The process isn't 100% correct, this means ~
      • Adding/destroying blocks to be more accurate to the real model.
      • Upscaling/downscaling if needed.
      • Adding a base so the islands are not floating in the water.
  3. Make a custom texture pack. (EST. COMPLETION August 1st?)
  4. Add in caves and rocks. (EST. COMPLETION ???)
  5. Begin texturing islands. (EST. COMPLETION ???)
    • This means ~
      • Replacing stone with the correct blocks to make the islands look like the POTCO counterpart.
  • Begin adding buildings. (EST. COMPLETION ???)
  • Release map to public. (EST. COMPLETION ???)
Update! 7/15/14 - 7/16/14
This is for yesterday, and today as the site was down yesterday, and my power was out all day today and I wasn't able to do anything.

Worked a bit on textures in this update. Also a bit of work on Tortuga, not much to show there though.

Isla Cangrejos
The grass is not the right color, and the stone is a placeholder for the sand.
2014-07-15_22.01.16.png screenshot-Tue-Jul-15-22-02-04-2014-188460367.jpg
2014-07-15_22.27.08.png screenshot-Tue-Jul-15-22-29-29-2014-225465312.jpg

EDIT: fixed the grass color, I think. What do you think?

Also sand, and dark mud/sand.

Update. 7/20/14
I'm taking a bit of a break from this project. Sorry, but I'm just extremely bored with it ATM. Hope you guys can understand. :sad1:

I will continue to work on it off/on when I feel like it but It's going to be a while before I have another big update.
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Hey, I have something that could make both bigger islands and cut down the time... Worldpainter, I use this to make my isles and it takes a smaller amount of time to make islands like Padres Del Fuego. I hope this helps you...
Hey, I have something that could make both bigger islands and cut down the time... Worldpainter, I use this to make my isles and it takes a smaller amount of time to make islands like Padres Del Fuego. I hope this helps you...
I have all the islands made exactly how there were in POTCO, by converting the 3d models to a voxel format -- therefore Minecraft format. I just need to fix them up which I have found an easy way to do so. Just takes time. I prefer this way to World Painter because this way I personally don't have to get proportions right, the converting program does it for me.

The reason I am taking a break is because I was uninspired. Now it's just the fact that I want to focus on school and use my free time doing things that are more enjoyable to me. I will eventually get back to this project though. Anyways, thanks for the suggestion!
Hey Bart, what are you using to modify the islands once they're already complete (i.e. once you start adding other blocks/textures to the islands)? World Edit is an amazing mod for replacing/moving/etc. with large amounts of blocks.

Regardless, you've done an amazing job so far! I can't wait to be able to explore the islands once this is finished!
Wouldn't it be easyer if you converted original models from potco?
There are like 5 ways.
My brother did it like this: i gave him .3ds models and he converted them into blender and then used some exporter to get them into minecraft.
I belive he used somethign called vox, trinvox or something, use google.

Edit: bro gave me link : http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Programs_and_editors/Binvox
I used this. It only does so much though. You must manually "guess" the size as well as fix errors in the conversion process. Also it has a limit of 2041 blocks across so I must take large models such as Padres Del Fuego and Port Royal and break it up into smaller models to separately convert.
Hey Bart, what are you using to modify the islands once they're already complete (i.e. once you start adding other blocks/textures to the islands)? World Edit is an amazing mod for replacing/moving/etc. with large amounts of blocks.

Regardless, you've done an amazing job so far! I can't wait to be able to explore the islands once this is finished!
I've been using a combination of World Edit, Voxel Sniper, and , MCedit.
If anyone has a very very old installation of POTCO with intact cache files please PM me, I would love to include the old islands in this map. Also if you have a version of POTCO you have not updated since about 2010 or before please PM me also, as those phase files may contain some unreleased models and islands. Thanks.​

Also, progress is being made once again but not as quickly as before. I hope to have an island completely done and ready to show next week to you guys. :)

I am very close to finishing Rambleshack. I currently have the island, bridge and dock, jail, music and sounds, and Will Turner's place done. I just need to make the interiors and foliage of the island and It will be done.

As I near the end of this project it updates will come faster, what is taking up most of my time is creating the textures. As I get to the end textures won't need to be made anymore as they will be reused a lot. Also some time is spent learning how to put the resource pack together, I spent about 2 hours today trying to figure out how to get custom sounds in a resource pack working, (there is very little documentation).

That being said, Rambleshack is not done as I would have hoped. Here is progress so far. :cool:
2014-11-02_18.40.59.jpg 2014-11-02_18.41.06.jpg 2014-11-02_18.41.18.jpg 2014-11-02_18.41.28.jpg

An overall project update:
I decided to scrap everything I had worked on before Rambleshack. I noticed that everything would be extremely disportionate because I was basically guessing the size of the islands. "Padres, must be around 3000 blocks across... Rambleshack 60 blocks across..." When I walked around these islands that I guessed the size, I felt either small or huge. I then decided I would get the portions as close as I could get them.

Taking the size of a Minecraft character (about 2m) into account, I measured the island models in Blender with a ruler tool. Rambleshack was like 500m across, didn't seem quite right. So I measured a POTCO avatar model... about 7m :rolleyes:. Taking 7 meters, dividing it by 3m gets me about 2m. So I divided the islands by 3m and I am left with roughly, a correct scale model. Plug that number into the .obj to Minecraft .schematic converter, gets me a correct scale model. I also found a neat little command for that converter that renders out the island with my processor instead of my graphics card, which gets rid of those nasty holes in the islands. I'm guessing because I have a terrible graphics card.

That brings me to the situation I am in now, I only have free time on the weekends, and I have other obligations as well on the weekends. This means progress will be slow and unpredictable. Also another thing is slowing me down lately, my poor computer is on it's last leg. (Don't worry I am backing things up regularly.) It is normally fine, but as soon as I try to make some textures it slows down tremendously. Also every so often the computer will become so laggy with everything that it is impossible to do anything for about 5 minutes. I am looking into getting a new machine soon, probably this december.

I will say this again, I hope to have this island completely done and ready to show next week to you guys. :)

***Also I open the server that I am working on randomly on the weekends, if you wish to join and see my progress make sure to check my status updates on here. I will post when I open it along with the IP. :excited:
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