The Heart of Padres del Fuego 3/28/13

Captain Redhorn

Site Founder

By the way I'm only posting this because no news reporters are online and it is scheduled to happen in just a few hours.
Had a feeling all the hype about an update was going to turn out to be a code... At least it is something... :)
It would be nice if they could at least give us basic access members this. Perhaps it would encourage more people to become unlimited. "Here's this legendary sword you can get, and if you get unlimited access, you can get a bunch more and some other cool stuff!" It couldn't hurt. :(
It would be nice if they could at least give us basic access members this. Perhaps it would encourage more people to become unlimited. "Here's this legendary sword you can get, and if you get unlimited access, you can get a bunch more and some other cool stuff!" It couldn't hurt. :(
Basic members can redeem the code, but can not actually use the sword. If Disney were to allow Basic members to use it, why then would they want to pay for membership? The bonus of this code is, EVERYONE will now have a legendary!! :)
Basic members can redeem the code, but can not actually use the sword. If Disney were to allow Basic members to use it, why then would they want to pay for membership? The bonus of this code is, EVERYONE will now have a legendary!! :)
Well, at least a small demo of what to expect from unlimited access could be good. I find the current "demo" of the game to be insufficient in that purpose.
This is what I said back on March 8th...

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It's so sad. They really made me believe I could expect something more of this. We all saw many signs of a big change and our update is a couple Game Masters running around and a sword code. What's so special in something no one has to work for and many, many people get it right away? Now, I'm not going to be the Debbie Downer today because at the end, it did say "this may not be the end of the mysteries simmering beneath Padres del Fuego’s lava…" I'm sure they will try to put something out again relating to Padres, but my concern is how long will we wait, and will it be up to par with all of our expectations? I don't agree with giving away a Legendary sword like that, but if they have something bigger in store and its needed, I apologize in advance.