The Heart of Padres del Fuego 3/28/13

Happy April Fools everyone :D . And by the way i dont see anything new update in the news lol. Lets hope later today they they put something up.
Hmm, I Like this sword and it's really sad that it is my first legendary.. I Wanted to work for my first legendary but however as much as we all hate it now because it will change pvp and low levels will be running around with an amazing sword in about 6 months or a year, give or take... It will be the rarest legendary ever and a discontinued sword that you have! :cool:
Maybe we all need this sword for a powerful new enemy to fight in the near future?................Why else would they give it away so freely?.......

New Treasure Map Boss Battle to end a new Story Quest? :D

Maybe it's something to do with the EITC Silver Mines on Padres.

Pirates can do a whole bunch of quests involving the EITC. We can get a new Treasure Map thingy at the end. Pirates have to fight a big boss of the EITC mining operation, maybe he sends some high level guys out first, then it's time to fight him. After that someone from an NPC guild like the Marceline guild can guide us to a secret loading dock. The last shipment is just sailing away when the Black Pearl comes around. Jack has us board and control the Pearl while he and his crew try their best to keep her repaired.
So it's then the Pearl against a little EITC fleet trying to escape to say..... Kingshead. There is one big SOTL that sends war frigates (maybe war brigs? :) ) after the Pearl to slow us down. Once they are all gone, it's the Pearl VS the EITC's SOTL. And it's MUCH harder than the Goliath :p

I think that would be a cool new Treasure Map to go along with this cool new sword:evil laugh:
New Treasure Map Boss Battle to end a new Story Quest? :D

Maybe it's something to do with the EITC Silver Mines on Padres.

Pirates can do a whole bunch of quests involving the EITC. We can get a new Treasure Map thingy at the end. Pirates have to fight a big boss of the EITC mining operation, maybe he sends some high level guys out first, then it's time to fight him. After that someone from an NPC guild like the Marceline guild can guide us to a secret loading dock. The last shipment is just sailing away when the Black Pearl comes around. Jack has us board and control the Pearl while he and his crew try their best to keep her repaired.
So it's then the Pearl against a little EITC fleet trying to escape to say..... Kingshead. There is one big SOTL that sends war frigates (maybe war brigs? :) ) after the Pearl to slow us down. Once they are all gone, it's the Pearl VS the EITC's SOTL. And it's MUCH harder than the Goliath :p

I think that would be a cool new Treasure Map to go along with this cool new sword:evil laugh:
Nice plan! I'd like to add a chicken potion reward as well, lol...