A Halloween Tale

"My captain leaned in and whispered for my ears alone, 'I'll be seeing ye soon, Master Hands.' The next thing I knew, his pistol was fired and I laid bleeding on the floor," Isreal continued and grimaced at his crutch, "My shin was wrecked and that's how I walk with this old man's stick before you."
"What happen after that?" said Christophe in a whisper.
"I was taken to shore and sent to a surgeon. I knew I could never return to the account. I took a pardon, excusing myself for my crimes... When my crewmates asked the captain why he did that... He replied with a smile, 'If I didn't kill a man every now and then, they would forget who I am.'"
Israel sighed and reach for Walker's grog. He took several gulps before continuing. "A few days later the Royal Navy found 'im on his sloop. After much blood was spilt -mostly by the captain-, the redcoats won and chop off the captain's head. I heard this tale throughout the town and I rejoiced with the townspeople and thought him dead and gone.
"A week after those events, I went to visit my former crewmates at the prision, to pay my respects to them. The crew, the whole lot of them, acted like Lucifer was breathing done their necks. I asked them what was wrong. An old mate of mine replied, 'There's a devil in the corner. He's been following us since the captain's death.' With a bone white finger, he pointed over into a dark corner in the cell. As I looked, I saw nothing but a deep blackness. I felt a chill. I swore I could feel something... breathing? It terrifed the crew and they were grateful to be hanged when they were. But I know that devil they speak of is still out there somewhere..."
After a long moment, Walker asked, "What was the name of yer captain?"
Israel looked up at him, "Captain Blackbeard..."
*You thought it was over? No way!*

The group sat quietly for a moment, listening to the lapping waves. The night seemed darker, the Caribbean air, colder. The uneasiness of it all made the men touch their pistols as a child would touch his blanket for protection.
A slow hum stared on the docks. The seas seemed to shift oddly.
"Oi," whispered Walker with a pointed finger, "Look out to sea.."
Israel turned and his eyes widened with fear. He took out a an old spyglass from his roving days and peered into the brass instrument. He saw a large ship sailing into the bay. It had large, red sails. Even from the far off docks, Israel could smell brimstone drifting from the decks.
He then looked at the helm, excepting to see any crewmen. None were to be seen.
"What's it doing?" asked Christophe, breaking into a cold sweat. "It's turning?"
"It is lining up for a broadside!" screamed Walker.
The sailor's began to run but a a red light started to glow from underneath the docks. Israel watched closely as the deep redness grew brighter and brighter.
"No use running now mates," said Israel, "Hell is already upon us."
Suddenly a great flash of fire erupted from the sea and a hideous roar was heard across the island. Israel closed his eyes from the thick green smoke that now covered the docks. When he opened them he looked into the face of the devil-captain. He looked into the face of Blackbeard.
He turned his head over to Walker and Christophe, who were covering behind crates. "You there, tars! Your fate has been decided! Join me... in death!"
A second later, a cutlass was whipped out and slew the two sailors and they perished with a bubbleing scream full of blood.
With a wicked smile he turned over to Israel, "Hello shipmate."
Israel stood up with his crutch and gave a short bow to his former captain, "Blackbeard."
"I made a promise to ye once, Master Hands," said Blackbeard as he examined the fresh blood on his sword, "Remember what it was?"
"You said you would be seeing me soon, captain. And here you be only a year later."
Blackbeard gave a chuckle, "Ye were always a good mate, Israel. I'll make your death quick..." he cocked his pistol.
Israel stood tall, "So Blackbeard, when you were gone... when you were in hell, did you fear it? Did you fear death?"
Blackbeard looked startled for a moment but continued, "Of course not, me old shipmate. I'm Blackbeard, the conquer of death."
"You wont always be captain, not always."
After those last words, Blackbeard fired his pistol into Israel's heart. Blood sprayed across the old pirate's face.
Blackbeard looked down at old Israel and asked his corpse, "Ever been to France, mate?"
The corpse didn't respond.
"Well, there is a village outside of Naples with superstitious folk. They believe in a demon that's been know to rise at night and make the bodies of the dead men in the cemetery dance. He commands them to do his bidding. Pretty interesting, eh? Useful too. Ye know what they call 'im?"
Blackbeard pause to slowly pronounce the word. "LaSchafe."
Then Blackbeard opened his palms and rose them towards the moon, "Israel, dead and gone! I command you to rise again! Rise now, under your new name... LaShcafe!'
The corpse turned sickly green. The eyes sunk and the nose broke off. The lips began to decay. Blackbeard then turn the the sailor's corpses and said, "Rise as well! Become crewmen for the Queen Anne's Revenge!"
Now the zombies stood before Blackbeard and he smiled, "To the ship with ye! Let us make hell of our own!"
The zombies shuffled toward the ship, leaving Blackbeard to gaze at the moon.
I lied Israel, thought Blackbeard, I do fear death. I do fear joining the legions of the dammed souls. But I will not let this happen. I'm off to change me fate! I'm off... to the Fountain of Youth!
Blackbeard looked down at old Israel and asked his corpse, "Ever been to France, mate?"
The corpse didn't respond.
"Well, there is a village outside of Naples with superstitious folk. They believe in a demon that's been know to rise at night and make the bodies of the dead men in the cemetery dance. He commands them to do his bidding. Pretty interesting, eh? Useful too. Ye know what they call 'im?"
Blackbeard pause to slowly pronounce the word. "LaSchafe."
Then Blackbeard opened his palms and rose them towards the moon, "Israel, dead and gone! I command you to rise again! Rise now, under your new name... LaShcafe!'
The corpse turned sickly green. The eyes sunk and the nose broke off. The lips began to decay. Blackbeard then turn the the sailor's corpses and said, "Rise as well! Become crewmen for the Queen Anne's Revenge!"
Now the zombies stood before Blackbeard and he smiled, "To the ship with ye! Let us make hell of our own!"
The zombies shuffled toward the ship, leaving Blackbeard to gaze at the moon.
I lied Israel, thought Blackbeard, I do fear death. I do fear joining the legions of the dammed souls. But I will not let this happen. I'm off to change me fate! I'm off... to the Fountain of Youth!
O.O very good captain fear, i didn't know you were telling a story about blackbeard!!! this is part of the new movie stranger tides? O.O