A Scolding


Pirate Master
Hello everyone,

I am writing this post because of the unbelievable amount of issues that I've been contacted about regarding shared accounts.

Within 24 hours, about 4 different players have approached me seeking help because their pirates or items (brights/weapons) have been deleted. Some of them are also getting banned by another person using the account or locked out of the shared account due to password changes.

These problems occur because of irresponsibility or conflict between the people sharing the account. One tries to seek revenge on the other by damaging the other player's pirate or account access.

TLOPO heavily disapproves of players sharing accounts. It is not safe.


Let this also be a reminder that we consider the owner of the email that is linked to an account the account owner. If they decide to change the password and lock you out, then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, we likely wont be able to do anything about it.

If your account gets banned by another player using the account, the ban won't be lifted.

Make sure to read the Terms of Service AND DO NOT SHARE YOUR PASSWORD.
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Hello everyone,

I am writing this post because of the unbelievable amount of issues that I've been contacted about regarding shared accounts.

Within 24 hours, about 4 different players have approached me seeking help because their pirates or items (brights/weapons) have been deleted. Some of them are also getting banned by another person using the account or locked out of the shared account due to password changes.

These problems occur because of irresponsibility or conflict between the people sharing the account. One tries to seek revenge on the other by damaging the other player's pirate or account access.

TLOPO heavily disapproves of players sharing accounts. It is not safe.


Let this also be a reminder that we consider the owner of the email that is liked to an account the account owner. If they decide to change the password and lock you out, then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, we likely wont be able to do anything about it.

If your account gets banned by another player using the account, the ban wont be lifted.

Make sure to read the Terms of Service AND TO NOT SHARE YOUR PASSWORD.
This was an extremely prevalent problem in POTCO, and yet it still persists. Hopefully, with you posting this, people will finally realize that account sharing is a terrible idea, as it gives someone access to your email, with which they spam with phishing and scam links that will insert a virus into someone's computer, thus gaining access and being able to do irreparable amounts of damage... I wish I could "like" your post more than once...
If you want to share accounts then make sure the person you're sharing with won't get your account banned, if you have a history with them and then all of a sudden you two become friends and they want to share then that's a no no, it takes time to trust someone and you have to be certain that they don't secretly have a hidden agenda against you
In POTCO there were a few people who were notorious for convincing young people to give up their account. It's called 'social engineering'. It's also a main way that people hack into corporate accounts. They convince people to give the information voluntarily. On POTCO they would show off their rare weapons and tell them "I can get these weapons for you - let me use your pirate and I promise I'll get it for you".

Don't be a victim.
give me your login MMDR xdd

Kat, if you give me your login I can get you World Eater. :hugs:

I don't see the humor in this.

MMDR's thread is a warning to folks.
Sharing accounts is ridiculous. Tell them to make their own it's very easy to do.

In the days of Potco, so many friends and guild member's accounts were 'stolen' this way. 'Stolen' is a very loose term when you actually hand your account over to someone. so before you agree to 'share' an account, stop and think for a moment how you would feel if your account disappeared and you had to start all over.
It happens. It sadly happens among friends also. Don't do it!