Suggestion Add an option to disable chat filter

As for the rest of this thread.....
Do a forum search, there are many threads about this subject where these things have already been answered.

Long story short.....
The chat system is the way it is for very good reasons, it won't be radically altered so like it or lump it. If you want words adding to the whitelist go to the whitelist suggestion thread and list the specific words you'd like adding. If you want a more open chat with less restrictions join or start a Discord (or similar) chat....if it bothers you THAT much that your 'gaming experience' is a different game :p

NB.. Just got in from work, need coffee and not in the mood to sugarcoat it!


I'm pretty sure that the majority of us can imagine how this situation would've went down without the chat filter.

If you stumble across a word that isn't whitelisted then feel free to make a post here ofcourse. I'd suggest to check this thread out too.
Every single video game in my life that has chat has this crap going on. It's an inevitable bane of chat boards, any chat boards anywhere.
As long as players have fingers this will never be completely stopped or controlled. People will still get around filters, so I think it's an uphill constant battle. What I do is when I see a pirate sleeping I look in the chat and if they're 'chatting' nonsense for a while and then I see them again on occasion, I will just ignore them, because I feel they are not actually playing tlopo itself, just fooling around and I wouldn't need need that kind of pirate camaraderie to play the game. Guild chat is different.
I personally dislike the filters sometimes you have to get quite creative when trying to talk to someone, but one thing that could help is kinda do what warframe has going on. Its enabled by default but you have an option to turn it off. Kinda hide it deep in the options menu so the kids who play dont stumble apon it. Hopefully it will keep everyone happy?
I personally would love an option to remove the 17 and below chat filter but i don't see it happening for now at least.
Copyright laws in my opinion should be null and void in certain situations. Or just abolished altogether. A good way to workaround the whole copyright thing is saying that TLOPO is for education and entertainment. Which falls within fair use.
Copyright laws in my opinion should be null and void in certain situations. Or just abolished altogether. A good way to workaround the whole copyright thing is saying that TLOPO is for education and entertainment. Which falls within fair use.
For that to even be a factor you would have to be able to prove its an "educational" type deal