Ahoy, I'm William Warsteel

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William Warsteel

Ahoy mates I am an old pirate from the POTCO days.
I was a Gm and a huge fan of the svs . I'am so glad to see it coming back best game I ever played and the pirates I met from all over the world was amazing as well. Thank You so much for taking the enjoyment of this game and bringing it back for us pirates who thought we would never see this day again.
Not really sure how to do this forum but I see the staff are asking for suggestions, I know there was talk of the Kraken back in the day but never came about. Everybody from the old days has got to remember the Royal Fleet ,what if the Kraken was to be implemented in the game working just like the Royal Fleet never knowing when or where the Kraken will strike. I think this could bring loads of fun and excitement to the game as well as keeping us pirates on the watch over the seas, cannons ready to fire by a mighty crew and our swords always ready for a good old fight.
Ahoy William and lovely to see you joining our forum family, mate!
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