And the Savvy Swashbucklers are...! (07/08/11)

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Isaiah Ropeswine

Wanted Pirate
Thank you for all your Savvy submissions! While many impressive Pirates were nominated, a few stood out from the rest to claim the honor of "Savvy Swashbuckler" this time around.
Congratulations to this round’s “Savvy Swashbucklers”:

Jack Spiker

A Pirate born for adventure and challenges, Jack increases his Notoriety and skills in leaps and bounds by tackling some of the biggest obstacles in the Caribbean – including the Queen Anne’s Revenge, La Schafe, and the Royal Navy on Kingshead.
Jack looks out for his Guild – he’s known for going into battle with full tonics and within minutes having none after reviving friends in need.
His Guildmates say Jack Spiker is always on the move looking for new adventure, so your best bet to meet Jack is either Tortuga or Kingshead.

Mina Murray

Mina Murray is known throughout the islands for always showing new and lower-level Pirates the ropes. That same kindness and helpfulness extends to her Guildmates too, who know they can always count on her.
But make no mistake, Mina is also a fierce fighter on her way to mastering all weapons.
Her friends still celebrate Mina’s defense of Padres del Fuego during an Invasion. One of only a few Pirates standing in the way of the undead, Mina held her barricade until finally defeating Jolly Roger herself!
Mina likes to frequent Port Royal with her Guild.

Mark Stormbreaker

Mark’s Guildmates declare he’s a strong and steadfast Pirate, one who never gives up no matter what the challenge. Mark Stormbreaker stands always ready to battle the dark forces and enemies that lurk in the Caribbean.
Whether busy fighting the undead or questing, Mark never fails to stop and help his Guildmates and friends.
While he keeps himself on the go, Mark Stormbreaker can frequently be found adventuring on Tortuga.

Gertrude Sternpratt

Her Guild says that Gertrude would never think of herself as a “Savvy Swashbuckler” and yet she proves it on a daily basis!
Her courage and fighting style are second to none, as proven by her rapidly growing Notoriety.
We heard from many Pirates that Gertrude’s great bravery in battle is matched by her kind heart and concern for others.
Gertrude can be found roaming Isla Tormenta, increasing her weapons skills.

A tip of the tricorne and three cheers to our winners this time around!
We hope to see more remarkable Pirates in our next run of “Savvy Swashbucklers”!
Never heard of anybody, not even sure if I ever saw Mark in Emerald. Gratz to all but... I think Disney needs to actually choose pirates that do stand out. Not sure if I'm sounding rude or anything, but they said those pirates stand out, and here we all are, saying we've never heard of them. But then again, they could just be choosing random submissions so... :confused:
I believe that must have been the route they went john because i mean think about it i know this is a mute point as she won last year but i'm sure mcraging alone put enough votes in for Pretty Polly again to win not to say she should repeat or shouldnt... but a guy on as much as you and you dont even know who this mark guy is LOL... :facepalm:
I believe that must have been the route they went john because i mean think about it i know this is a mute point as she won last year but i'm sure mcraging alone put enough votes in for Pretty Polly again to win not to say she should repeat or shouldnt... but a guy on as much as you and you dont even know who this mark guy is LOL... :facepalm:
Yep, looks random picks to me. Not even a single lv 50. I thought "notoriety" meant "well known" or "wanted". These guys aren't even 40.. (Gertrude is almost though..) Come on Disney, seriously!!
thats because disney is lazy

No, that's not because Disney is 'lazy'; it does not have anything to do with 'laziness'.

I think Disney Potco needs to put a little more thought on defining what "savvy swashbuckler" is. I have a feeling that they do it on purpose though; they deliberately leave the option so wide open so that pirates would have all the freedom they want in nominating somebody; even though it is for the 'silliest' reason (for instance, the reason could be very personal to one pirate only, for example: I choose Pancake McMuffin because she has generously helped bail me out on poker games, or something like that). That way every guild has the same opportunity to get a name from their guild to win.

However, since it's a ballot, of course it goes by whoever has the most votes. We all knew that for a popularity contest, we could direct a mass into one direction, which was to 'assign' ppl in the entire guild to pick just one name. There are a lot of maxed out guilds (in membership) out there; not just the popular guilds that we know/hear a lot. The annoying part is - like John said - if we get a testimony from the guilds from which those winners come from, that they don't even recognize the savvy swashbuckler's name even inside the guild! - raises one eye brow -

So, it was drawing a name out of the hat or something? Or actually the nominations were so widespread that Disney Potco gave up and just picked 4 out of the same number of votes? If it was, then it's time to define what savvy swashbuckler requirements more definitive. For instance, only two names could represent one guild, and each nominee should get at least 1/20 votes out the entire number of guild membership, once somebody is chosen to be a savvy swashbuckler, he/she could not be elected again, and the reason for being nominated needs to benefit a group of pirates, not just one pirate (meaning the reason to vote is agreeable by other pirates as well), or something along that line. That way the 'popularity' is justified, not just out of the blue kind of thing.
They need to select well-known people who people actually know deserve to be nominated. Like, let's say I was such an amazing pirate, everyone knows who I am, I am helpful, nice, great friend/guildmate, and EVERYONE thinks I'm awesome. (lol yea right... in my dreams :/) And then there is this random guy/girl who is like a lv 20 and nobody except a few people knows who they are and there is no way to PROVE they are really all that awesome. Would you rather the popular person win or the pirate who nobody knows? Disney needs to take this contest seriously... Yes, I know it's just a contest, but it annoys me that some random person gets to win when the actual people who everyone knows deserves it doesn't win. I'm sure those people are really cool pirates, not saying they aren't, but c'mon, seriously?
If you look the people up in the directory, they are truly nobodies. So, who knows what they were thinking? :confused:
The directory hasn't been updated in how long... But yeah.. Where did they get the images of the pirates, those are the directory card backgrounds... -_-
The directory does update the outfits that the pirates wear though. I change mine just to see, and it does update... ;)
I don't get this.. I play pirates all the time.. everyday.. and I've never seen these guilds. except Emerald Regiment.. I'm on every forums site.. and I've never seen these names.... and how on earth do they have a reputation of so many pirates to nominate them if they haven't even gotten a staff yet? I'm pretty sure these are not the acurate votes on what was sent in.... I've never seen or heard of any of these guilds/people.. (except emerald regiment) Has anyone else??

i wanna go on a hunt and find these people now... and watch I find them and they don't event talk... :/
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