And the Savvy Swashbucklers are...! (07/08/11)

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Even if the idea was already communicated prior to the event at the Forums, we could not guarantee that it would get full support of the members. Yes, this is a Forums, but I can almost guarantee that if members had to support that kind of idea, a lot of people would have different opinions about it. There is no way anybody can enforce members to vote for anybody, when it comes to 'choices'. The members who do not agree upon Forums decision to request members to follow suit, will choose NOT to vote, or vote and say they will follow suit, but may still vote differently. I just do not see that something like this can be enforced; there are tens of guilds who have their members in here.

This is the case of 'my opinion' against 'your opinion'; there will be no end of it. Basically, members are going to do whatever they please when it comes to 'choices'. Unlike participations in leaving posts which could have boundaries of rules and regulations, any thing inside somebody's mind that makes that person comes to a decision and an action to vote, cannot be controlled by 'rules'. And how would the Forums give any penalty to anybody concerning his/her decision to choose? The entire idea of voting for savvy swashbuckler in this Forums to be brought to the Disney Potco event "by individual pirate", is the one that needs to go back to the drawing board.
Well this thread has derailed quite a bit. Closing for now.

Congratulations to those who won - as I'm uncertain of who they are I can't really judge, though I do question whether or not others were more deserving. Nothing personal against them, I'm sure they're nice and helpful people, but it seems not many have heard of them or their accomplishments.
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