And the Savvy Swashbucklers are...! (07/08/11)

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I don't get this.. I play pirates all the time.. everyday.. and I've never seen these guilds. except Emerald Regiment.. I'm on every forums site.. and I've never seen these names.... and how on earth do they have a reputation of so many pirates to nominate them if they haven't even gotten a staff yet? I'm pretty sure these are not the acurate votes on what was sent in.... I've never seen or heard of any of these guilds/people.. (except emerald regiment) Has anyone else??
If you look the people up in the directory, they are truly nobodies. :confused:
This mornin, I happened to teleport to Antik server and checked out public ships, I got an glimpse of one of those Savvy Swashbucklers name, so I teleported, so I could have a talk with him and see him, he was all alone on the ship, not sinking, just ship standing there, he never answered back, either away from keyboard or just doing nothing.
With much eagerness, I voted for you ~ Captain Star ~ but maybe next time...I should include a $50 bill along with my vote.
Truly, Disney is susceptible (just like the rest of us pirates) & would enjoy a decent bribe from time to time...

*I am sorry that the result of this didn't turn out as many of us here on forums hoped that it would.
I kind of like it. It shows that there are other players out there than the ones we keep hearing about. It shows unknown players and guilds that were once "shadowed" by the better known players/guilds. And I think its great that I saw the 'little people' out there stand out.
:iagree: And a hearty Grats! to them too. My thoughts too. And if anyone here is one of those Savvy winners, double Grats!
With much eagerness, I voted for you ~ Captain Star ~ but maybe next time...I should include a $50 bill along with my vote.
Truly, Disney is susceptible (just like the rest of us pirates) & would enjoy a decent bribe from time to time...

*I am sorry that the result of this didn't turn out as many of us here on forums hoped that it would.
Aye Shamus i wish more would have followed the lead of what was originally planned through the forums whether it would have been You or anyone else that had won the vote as Star did. Eh pirates will be pirates apparently though. We'll have to remember that for next year.
Aye Shamus i wish more would have followed the lead of what was originally planned through the forums whether it would have been You or anyone else that had won the vote as Star did. Eh pirates will be pirates apparently though. We'll have to remember that for next year.
There is no way of knowing who voted for whom and that is the way it should be. People are/were free to submit their choice and did vote for the pirate they chose whether it was our own Star or another. Just saying.
lol well its very apparent who was voted for as there are 4 pictures up there and none of them are the folks this forum decided to push for. I'd just hope the next time we decide to do something as a forum its actually followed through on and supported by its staff as well as its members as it was stated in the original vote. and as you say people are/were free to submit thier choice and did vote for the pirate they wanted to... i have no problem with that as you seem to be saying that I'm making up like that it was a rule or something to vote for star. no it wasnt but it should have been common courtesy while voting for the person you wanted to add another vote in for Star as she represents you and this forum everyday. That is what i'm just saying
I personally think that there is a big difference between a savvy swashbuckler event that Disney Potco holds and savvy swashbuckler that this Forums holds. An attemp to mix both of them really does not have a good foundation to make it work.

Disney Potco savvy swashbuckler event was geared toward the savvy pirate on his/her role "on the game". Whereas this Forums' event could range broadly from in-game role up to role in this site. We can nominate and endorse and say that it should be a common courtesy to endorse any winner from this Forums, where the fact is, with so many guilds involved in a forum like this, there is really no way of enforcing such common courtesy, much less to know what is in the mind of each pirate when it's time to type in a name in the Disney Potco form.

With that in mind, it makes much more sense to leave something like this to each guild's decision. It's the involvement in the game that Disney Potco requires anyway. Guild members know who they would like to nominate if he/she so chooses to pick somebody inside the guild, or it becomes guild's agreement to send out a name. And if a pirate still wants to choose somebody outside the guild, who are we to tell them that they have to follow common courtesy? Choices are personal; they always are, no matter what kind of presure or persuasion there are surrounding them.

Unless there is a penalty of making a personal choice, there is no way that even staff members are required to follow common courtesy in this case. When it comes to a choice, everybody is for him/herself. And to be honest, this Forums version of savvy swashbuckler stopped where it ended. It's just a fun popularity contest on this Forums, because it does not contain any power to be brought any where else, as long as the decision to choose/vote still stays in each individual pirate. Maybe this is a learning experience for all of us in this Forums to re-visit and re-define the purpose and necessity of that event next year. ;)
I personally think that there is a big difference between a savvy swashbuckler event that Disney Potco holds and savvy swashbuckler that this Forums holds. An attemp to mix both of them really does not have a good foundation to make it work.

Disney Potco savvy swashbuckler event was geared toward the savvy pirate on his/her role "on the game". Whereas this Forums' event could range broadly from in-game role up to role in this site. We can nominate and endorse and say that it should be a common courtesy to endorse any winner from this Forums, where the fact is, with so many guilds involved in a forum like this, there is really no way of enforcing such common courtesy, much less to know what is in the mind of each pirate when it's time to type in a name in the Disney Potco form.

With that in mind, it makes much more sense to leave something like this to each guild's decision. It's the involvement in the game that Disney Potco requires anyway. Guild members know who they would like to nominate if he/she so chooses to pick somebody inside the guild, or it becomes guild's agreement to send out a name. And if a pirate still wants to choose somebody outside the guild, who are we to tell them that they have to follow common courtesy? Choices are personal; they always are, no matter what kind of presure or persuasion there are surrounding them.

Unless there is a penalty of making a personal choice, there is no way that even staff members are required to follow common courtesy in this case. When it comes to a choice, everybody is for him/herself. And to be honest, this Forums version of savvy swashbuckler stopped where it ended. It's just a fun popularity contest on this Forums, because it does not contain any power to be brought any where else, as long as the decision to choose/vote still stays in each individual pirate. Maybe this is a learning experience for all of us in this Forums to re-visit and re-define the purpose and necessity of that event next year. ;)

Ha! Did you get that out of my files? ROFL xD
I would give you a bear hug if you were closer!
Aye well as my opinion must have some flaws to it i'll be stepping out of this conversation while the back pats are handed out. Hopefully we won't let any more pirates down if we do choose to do anything like this in the forums again is what i'll leave with.
I think people are missing the whole idea. When the Savvy nomination came out in this forum, it was to select a pirate that this forum would back. Then when the POTCO decided to hold the competition, this forum would back that person. And quite frankly, that person should have won. That was the whole idea. And like Johnny said, it was lost to most.

Hopefully next year people will be on board and understand what this is all about, and opinions will be left out, as they are not needed. Yes, everyone is entitled to vote for whoever they want. But this is the forums, and everyone was supposed to follow suit, and vote as a whole.

To those who did vote for me, thank you!!! :D You all are Savvy Swashbucklers to me!! ;)
Many pirates from many guilds are represented here. I don't think it was lost to the members here. They voted with their heart. They voted their allegiance to their GM or friend or whoever that person may have been.
Many pirates from many guilds are represented here. I don't think it was lost to the members here. They voted with their heart. They voted their allegiance to their GM or friend or whoever that person may have been.
The whole idea of what these forums tried to do has been lost. It can not be explained any clearer that what has been said.
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