Arrr har har...

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Pirate Lord
Still gots both me minds going slowly off me plank tho.
I loves me Pirates and booty and been theivin thees many seas for yearrrrrs..arg.

but I'm a good mate and will share ta booty too..
Hahaharrr aarrggg. whered me silly bird go?
Ahoy mate! Welcome to TLOPO Forums! . The seas are open and the lands fresh with quests! Weigh the anchor and hoist yer sails thar be excitin times in game and here on the forums! Be sure to check out the threads as they contain a wealth of helpful information. :) :) :)
Ahoy mate! Welcome to TLOPO Forums! . The seas are open and the lands fresh with quests! Weigh the anchor and hoist yer sails thar be excitin times in game and here on the forums! Be sure to check out the threads as they contain a wealth of helpful information. :) :) :)
Thank ye. Stowed me bag by me bunk and ready to sail. I feed tha crabby under me bunk?

ya happn ta see me bird?
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