Ben Cabingrin's Sorry Tale

Ok I'm gonna make Chapter 3 tomorrow but I'm gonna give a few spoilers:

This chapter is a mystery-type chapter and it involves some spying on Ben's part

Captian Morgan Kid and Richard Goldvane will have significant roles in the next chapters.
This is the postponed Chapter 3, meant only for entertainment:

Ben Cabingrin looked up from his map and pointed,"According to this map,Morgan,we should be headed due east, not west."
"Hah!",Captian Morgan Kid replied,laughing,"Maps aren't reliable,only a pirate's instinct."
"Oh,really? So what about last week when you used your pirate's instinct bought Tia Dalma those new clothes from Padres del Fuego, when she really wanted those potions from Tortuga so she could make a tonic that could blow up the evils on Raven's Cove?"
"Ohh....well,I...",Morgan's face reddened,he tried to reply but dwindled off.
Ben grinned,"Gotcha there,Morgan. For once."
Morgan laughed and steered his War Frigate so that they were headed on the new course. Ben and Morgan were out on a treasure run, so Ben had consulted the map to see where all the massive ships usually sailed. In the last two weeks,Ben had completely healed from his wounds and had become friends and sailing buddies with Captian Morgan Kid. Their day,however,took an interesting turn when Ben spotted a massive ship on the starboard side,far away but getting closer. Ben told Morgan he'd take a look and climbed up to the crow's nest and used his spyglass. As it came closer, he made out its name and nearly dropped the glass in astonishment.
"It's the Green Runner,Morgan!!"
"What? You gotta be kidding!"
"Nope, I'm not. Look for yourself!"
Now the reason for the astonishment was because the captain of said ship is Richard Goldvane, who was the No.1 enemy of Jolly Roger and had avoided the latter's attempts at killing him or trying to turn Richard undead. And Stormwalker was also notorious as the first mate of the ship and had aided Richard on almost all of his adventures.
"Wow,it really is the Green Runner," Morgan said,standing next to Ben,who had climbed down from above and was standing next to Morgan.
"Do you think we should-" Ben began.
Suddenly the Green Runner stopped as if they'd just struck the side of a mountain.
"What the-?" Morgan frowned in puzzlement.
"Maybe they hit a reef?"
"Possibly. At any rate, they aren't making any headway."
What Morgan said was true. Using their spyglasses,they could see the crew running around,trying to find out why the ship had suddenly stopped.
"Weird. Well they'll get it figured ou-," Ben started to say, then cut short as he looked and saw massive tentacles start to appear-above the Green Runner!
"We gotta warn them!"
"Too late,Ben."
The tentacles crashed through the ship and in moments the Green Runner was gone. Then, they noticed two survivors swimming towards them. Morgan sailed closer, then Ben threw over a couple of ropes and pulled them up. He looked into the wet,grinning faces of Richard Goldvane and Stormwalker. Before Ben could say anything, they pulled out their cutlasses and said
"The battle's not over yet, mates!!"
Ben turned and saw the Harkaway bearing down on them.
"Oh, boy...this is really gonna get interesting!"

To be continued...