Celebrate Mayday! Mayday! with the ETC!


Wiki Staff
Celebrate Mayday! Mayday! with the ETC!
This Wednesday, May 1st is May Day! Traditionally, this was the day of many ancient traditional spring celebrations. This year, the Elite Thievery Co. is putting their own piratey spin on it by also celebrating the other meaning of MAYDAY!

When a ship is in distress, a call of Mayday goes out. So, we're going to celebrate May Day by making our naval enemies shout MAYDAY as much as possible.

Dress festive, bring some rum and your cannon ram as we gather on the Port Royal docks ( Cortolla ) this Wednesday (9:30 pm EST) before going out and honoring the day with a BANG! Then, a BOOM! BOOM! Glub glub glub...
May Day! May Day! Tonight at 9:30pm! EST - Dress Festive, Bring Rum and a Cannon to Port Royal, Cortola as the ETC celebrates the May Day holiday by making sure our naval enemies will be crying Mayday! Mayday!
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I kinda' pressganged you and C Ray into it, but I truly appreciate your help. It made things go quite smooth.

Oh I loved the sight of your Dark Dragon. My own Crimson Widow may cut it's own swath in the water but the Dragon looked awesome in all it's Fortune Hunter glory.