Question Complaint

I’ve found, in personal experience, “connection lost” error messages are usually client-side (you, the player). It is rare to have these happen to multiple players simultaneously.

Sometimes Abassa/Andaba reset server-side (TLOPO) to prevent critical errors and information loss. You’ll see “[Server Name] Has Reset” messages from time to time and these are to be expected.

I recommend checking your internet connection and sailing on a quieter server to avoid possible high-load server crashes in the future.

Nobody likes to lose their loot, but due to progressive testing, cyclical errors, and the very nature of a remade game being in beta, crashes here and there (on sailing and on land, on busy servers and on quiet servers) should be expected!
I’ve found, in personal experience, “connection lost” error messages are usually client-side (you, the player). It is rare to have these happen to multiple players simultaneously.

Sometimes Abassa/Andaba reset server-side (TLOPO) to prevent critical errors and information loss. You’ll see “[Server Name] Has Reset” messages from time to time and these are to be expected.

I recommend checking your internet connection and sailing on a quieter server to avoid possible high-load server crashes in the future.

Nobody likes to lose their loot, but due to progressive testing, cyclical errors, and the very nature of a remade game being in beta, crashes here and there (on sailing and on land, on busy servers and on quiet servers) should be expected!
Crashes do happen but honestly I crash much less often now in tlopo than I did even in potco while sailing.
how have you found it? or were you just aware you were having connection trouble in general?
Yeah, I either (1) knew I was having connection issues or (2) I checked with other crewmates from the ship, usually none of which DC'd with me.

Crashes do happen but honestly I crash much less often now in tlopo than I did even in potco while sailing.
Yeah, TLOPO sailing crashes have been decreased drastically in recent updates!
From my experience, I'd say the best safeguard is to have somebody else onboard, so when you relog your ship is still on the ocean, and none of the loot is lost. (It also has the added crew xp bonus, and people on cannons to sink ships easier)
I'm still not comfortable characterizing the disconnect as a "crash". Those have always been separate in my mind.
But if you are doing a mat run you can't pick where you port. It picks for you, usually Ravens Cove, Cuba, or Tortuga for me. And when you "crash" it usually happens to most if not everyone on board. Right now I don't see this happening as often as I use to but once in a while it does.
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