Is there any other game with this feature?

Please move the thread if I'm in the wrong forum.

Part of POTCO's charm, and the reason I came back- You can sail a ship. And the ship is 3D in an 3D environment, and I can control it and take it wherever I want.

Is there some other game with that feature or something like that?

Better yet, a MMO with that feature or something like that?

I think Star Trek Online let's you take control of your ship in that way, but I'm not too sure.
Pirates of the Burning Seas is pretty good. You get more customization options for both your pirate and your ships. Its free to play but you CAN buy membership/upgrades if you wish to.
i been looking for a new game to play where i dont need to download alot of stuff im on a small connection tried swtor and a few others but to much to download im prolly never gonna get into a other game
In POTBS Im hoping we can all assemble into one country and maybe make a large Society for POTCOers that join if we can agree on a nation. Thqt would be so interesting and possibly very fun. POTBS, theres no telling who is or isnt UA that much like Potco is which is a feature I like. STO.... good lord I really found it limited to me a sbig of a Trekkie as I am. It kind of bothered me.
I'd like that idea, too. I'll make a new pirate named Captain Gastro. AND, NO ONE IS GOING TO TAKE THAT NAME FROM ME. -,,,,-
Anybody try it out yet?

Yes I play on the test server. I personally think its a better game than POTCO. Graphics are better, less lag, more customization options for you and your ship and many more islands to explore. The only thing im not fond of is when sailing, there is wind and if its against you you're in for a long drive.
What is the social component like?
You have society's which are like guilds. They have many more roles, bank, warehouse (for storing extra loot you dont want to carry around or wish to share with someone else). Groups are like crews and there is still the ability to whisper. Unlike potco they have a nation chat where anyone on the server can hear what you say. You can friend or block players but its both one way.
Intrestingly, no one said Pirate101.

But its a different, skyaways, floating things, glowing pathways, that and vortexes that lead to other worlds.

But there is no "go to public and randomly joining the ship" you have to friend them, and also sadly, you can't launch cannons :(
Yes I play on the test server. I personally think its a better game than POTCO. Graphics are better, less lag, more customization options for you and your ship and many more islands to explore. The only thing im not fond of is when sailing, there is wind and if its against you you're in for a long drive.

I sail out here in the real world - so I consider apparent wind and swell and advantage! :pirate ship:
In fact, in certain conditions you can sail faster upwind than down! :pirate:
i been looking for a new game to play where i dont need to download alot of stuff im on a small connection tried swtor and a few others but to much to download im prolly never gonna get into a other game

me and you might be in the same sinking ship my friend
In POTBS Im hoping we can all assemble into one country and maybe make a large Society for POTCOers that join if we can agree on a nation. Thqt would be so interesting and possibly very fun. POTBS, theres no telling who is or isnt UA that much like Potco is which is a feature I like. STO.... good lord I really found it limited to me a sbig of a Trekkie as I am. It kind of bothered me.

If you ever get any progression on this project message me, if alot of people do it I can try to download POTBS
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Looting and our community. This is one unique community that I will always miss. Its not just the Forums, it snot just any given site. Its in game too, and thats too hard to come by.

I totally agree with u. Potco just had something special is it that made it so fun but now it's going away :cry: