SvS Light Sloops in SvS

Should Light Sloops be allowed in SvS?

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Grey Vice

After my most recent SvS encounter, I must say.
Light Sloops suck.
While I do understand 'they're easy to get around and are hard to hit'
but it ruins the experience for everyone else.

The reason I'm making this thread is to see if anyone else agrees,
and if there is anything we could do about it.

Because personally, I hate SvS with Light Sloops
even if they are from the POTCO time period, it just sucks
and I don't enjoy the game at all.


If anyone agrees or has another opinion, comment below.
Personally, I think light sloops are an important component of an svs game. Now, I take my light sloop out occasionally but I'm more of a war sloop kinda guy. Anyway, I like playing against light sloops. They give me a challenge and I think it gives variety to svs. Without light sloops the game would just be war sloops and war frigates with the occasional war brig. Personally, I think the light sloops should be allowed to stay.
I'd be fine with them existing if cannonballs hitting the deck did any damage. But since they have such a tiny damageable surface area combined with the full speed of a non-upgraded War Sloop they're just ridiculous. Not to mention it only takes three good sailors for a full force crew.

Mind I'm thinking of back in POTCO when ships took reduced damage (but weren't invincible a la last patch), and it still took a good amount of cannonballs to sink a Light Sloop. If they were as fragile as they should be (either in health or in shoot-able area) I wouldn't mind so much.

I'd also like to point out that it's a silly exception for Light Sloops to be considered top tier for SvS. No other light ship (or even medium ship!) competes with the War Ships. Why should Light Sloop be any different?
My opinion... all ships in SVS have positive and negative components... the Original Poster doesn't realize that the light sloop, should it take ANY damage... is gonna sink. It also can afford only ONE gunner... so with its broadsides and one gunner per side... it has very limited power but the ability to move in and out of the way. It takes a experienced light sloop driver with an excellent gunner to get on top of the boards.

Consider it a gnat among the big boys.
My opinion... all ships in SVS have positive and negative components... the Original Poster doesn't realize that the light sloop, should it take ANY damage... is gonna sink. It also can afford only ONE gunner... so with its broadsides and one gunner per side... it has very limited power but the ability to move in and out of the way. It takes a experienced light sloop driver with an excellent gunner to get on top of the boards.

Consider it a gnat among the big boys.

Those who recall know what of I speak. Just to clarify -- in the end times of POTCO the "hacks and brats" as I called them (among many other euphemisms) hacked Light Sloops into invulnerability and "warp speed" (really - they could move faster than light). Lucky for me, I managed to attain the highest level in SvS before it got so bad it wasn't worth the trouble. Similar to PvP with the accursed blasted rotten "god" hack.
Yes...I am an old Curmudgeon! And split yer spleen wi' a will, aye! :)
Back in POTCO me and my buddy were getting 25-50-100 sink streaks in our light sloop before it became cool. :p err...rather...strongly that i think about it, after we did it a bunch of times light sloops started showing up alot in svs.. does that mean this is my fault? D: oh boy what have i done..
Fighting Light sloops can make it frustrating for newer players. You just have to plan your attacking on them , or defense. Button mashing isn’t going to work.

Combo them skills .
I’ve probably ram smashed 1000 to the bottom of the sea. Your t.c.-full sail to flee aint working on me. Well.....sometimes lol

They should be allowed.
If you ever thought it’s easy to be on top driving a light sloop with only one gunner give it a try.
Removing them would mean you think something about a light sloop is overpowered, it’s that professional gunner that’s kicking your butt not the ship.

There’s nothing overpowered about it.
I personally didn’t enjoy gunning on one but plenty of people I played with did.

Also players that win driving light sloops will REALLY crush you if they are in one of their bigger ships. You won’t just be good or “lucky” steering a light.
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Allowed of course. Why ? Because they are ships like all other ships. Light sloops are a royal pain yes - since huge ships easily overshoot them.

To balance that if I see a LS launched - I launch a normal sloop. They easily hit a LS and doesn't overshoot. On the positive side versus larger ships - sloops with storm chaser level max can be a match since they deal terrible damage despite their smaller size and are highly maneuverable.

But to ban certain ships ? I vote nay.
I would suggest that you "hate SvS with Light Sloops" because you are not good at dealing with them or you have run into some particularly great captains with great crewmen that messed you up. All ship types are quite capable and you can become good with any of them. Having crew that know how to dispatch a Light Sloop is key to success against them, you'll not likely do well against them sailing solo with a war class ship. Also true that regular class sloops with Storm Chaser upgrades are a good choice against them, was the case in potco anyway as I haven't tried it in tlopo yet.