Screenshots Make your own Weapon Card!

Montezuma's Blade is an unreleased legendary. So, I decide to finish the stats.
Montezumas Blade.png

Montezumas Blade.jpg
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Got bored, so I decide to photoshop a weapon card that can be found from one of the Jumbee boss. (If the Jumbee enemy have it own island.) Also, I want to introduce a brand new weapon skill called "Second Chance"! This will allow pirate to stand right back up after getting KO from an enemy. How it work for example, let just say you got KO by Palifico, your pirate will stand back up again. However, when you get KO again from the same enemy they have defeated you, you will get KO as normal and need to be revive from a pirate that he/she have tonic with them.
The Black Rejuvenate Blade.png
Lol, where's the dislike button when ya need it. I see you buffed the attack. But I hope this item will be reserved, along with the HOP, for the closing of tlopo as they were in potco. I have strong dislike of these weapons as they were free parting gifts from potco that basically said to the players that didn't yet have top items: here's what you were missing and always will miss and to those who did have top weapons: now everyone has better than you, bye. I hope tlopo doesn't close but if they do I hope they will only then release these weapons.
Ultima Blade (Legendary Broadsword )
The strongest crafting weapon & the most tedious to grind materials to craft it.
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Only wish it wasn't a broadsword. I've always felt it was an error on Disney's part, one that tlopo has continued, to make top broadswords more powerful one on one than the top cutlasses and sabres; it really makes cutlasses and sabres obsolete and irrelevant except as prestige and novelty items.
Only wish it wasn't a broadsword. I've always felt it was an error on Disney's part, one that tlopo has continued, to make top broadswords more powerful one on one than the top cutlasses and sabres; it really makes cutlasses and sabres obsolete and irrelevant except as prestige and novelty items.
I do have some plan with Cutlass & Sabre more top class. Just need to think some idea to make it work.
I do have some plan with Cutlass & Sabre more top class. Just need to think some idea to make it work.
Your idea of "craft" blades is wonderful. I just hope that any blades moving forward that are more powerful in one on one combat than the current best in the game will not be broadswords, this would restore balance in the end game swords, bringing relevance back to cutlasses and sabres at the top level of play.