Recruiting Masters N Skulls

Guild Website Update
Cursed Soul (uncursed) has been hard at work behind the scenes creating unique guild ranks for us, and we've begun assigning ranks on the site. With many of us at work and school, we all have busy schedules so we all know that things sometimes move slow but sure. The site is still UNDER CONSTRUCTION.
There is a gallery set up, feel free to post screens to it.

If you haven't applied to the site yet, please register and do so now at

If you are already have a username assigned on guild launch, sign in as you normally would and then "apply" to Masters and Skulls. I've tagged most guild/forum members so that you see this and apply to our new site, in case you haven't yet.

Thank you Cursed Soul for your hard work on our site!

And thanks to all of you, who combined make us a GREAT GUILD FAMILY!!!
There's currently 38 of guild that are forum members.
Lone maxes staff.png

Lone card after max staff.jpg

GRRR tried to max all land weapons at 42, and just turned 43 right before maxing staff -__-
Special thanks to General Warhawk Firemonger for healing for the last 2 bars.. and David Shipward.
I've never had a healer before, so it was kind of strange ;)
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