Pirates' Deadliest Nemesis

Edward Mctimbers

Wiki Staff
These Pirate islands abound with deep mysteries, hidden riches, and lethal enemies.
From Dire Wasps to Dread Scorpions, Fly Traps to Vampire Bats,
Witchdoctors to those dogged Navy and EITC, Pirates have their hands full evading and defeating many challenging adversaries.​
Who do ye think is a Pirate's deadliest nemesis?
Whether crossing cutlass with Rage Ghosts, Bounty Hunters, or the​
Crew of the Flying Dutchman, let us know who gives you the toughest
time (or the jolliest battles!) of all enemies in the Caribbean.

You can also mark yer choice in our Poll.
Unless Disney/DIMG change their perception towards this game, I will always feel that they perceive the majority of us pirates as just kids whom "happen" to be playing a game which is not Club Penguin.

I know they are only trying to sustain the interest towards POTCO "as is" but, efforts that come along like this arrrr only a slap to the face :facepalm: for many of us, I am afraid.
What the heck? Does this mean they are deleting the one with the least votes so that they can add more things to the overflowing filed game?
Unless Disney/DIMG has in mind to make more of everyone's favorite challenging enemy (and tbh there is none, hands down it is the Rage Ghost and Foulberto Smasho no questions asked, both are overpowered) I found this one of those posts they would use as an excuse, such as, "We totally make new blog posts", "we always hear the opinion of POTCO Players", "We love listening to the Community", etc. And to me it gets me so much in reality they are not. I think we could all go on about how terrible they are managing and let alone what this blog post tells us. If it were me, I would have not posted anything at all. This shows too many things to list.