Pirates Online - Sneak Peek: Ship Customization and Upgrades

:excited: Is it coming on test now? So it means it would come on Live in about a week from now?
piratesonline (1 hour ago)

@ all content hungry Pirates - we've been hearing you loud and clear so in the short breaks between making new content and getting it ready for Test (should be in a couple more weeks - if not sooner) we've pieced this lovely little Sneak Peek trailer ... to be posted shortly. Stay tuned...
Thank You Disney and great job. This looks better than i thought it would and the new ship doesn't look half bad.

Just one thing though, I think they should remove the sail flags in svs so players can use their customized ship however just add a small flag of the team your in on top of the ship. Doesn't even have to be wavy flag.

Work on Lag and bugs as well!!!

I just have to say, I think they got tired of all us video makers beating them to the punch when stuff came out on test. :lol1:

I'm very excited :excited: about this. My kids watched the vid with me and I think both already said they want the bull head on their flags. Me, well, my Kate Goldwalker GM of Brethren of Lore has to have black sails. Blach ship too if possible. She is my dark pirate. :flag: