Ravens Cove

as i'm sure many of you are also i have been around since pretty much month 1 (about the time they cut out being a founder *looks sad*) and i think we really need to push these people lol. Is it just me or does anyone feel that as other games such as WoW grow every 6 months to a new expansion we sit here and get the same quests over and over i mean i'd really love for them to make ALL dialogue actual speaking parts with the characters which i originally thought it would be back then. So many people play this game they should have made well over enough money to stop making us the fools for hanging around waiting for something to happen...and how about them boards :rumgone: the ravens cove quest can be summed up in one shot... a dude got turned into a chicken... nuff said lol and as Edward pointed out... I've gotten better fights out of Timothy than El Patron gave me

When I first fought him the ghosts he summon didn't even come out so I got pretty ticked that it was over. There was no real challenge at all in my opinion. If it wasn't for the sword in the end I wouldn't have even done it.