Reverting some filters

Having phrases like this filtered out actually would be more perverting towards innocent minds than having it not filtered. Innocent minds are going to wonder why their seemingly innocent message was filtered out and look it up. :rolleyes:

But you know, I guess that's not TLOPO's problem.
Yeah I mentioned that before.

Young players will find out by either:
A - Typing it into the chatbox to find it censored for seemingly no reason.
B - Reading other players insults/messages.

So it's a difficult situation for whoever's in control of blacklisting. The likelihood of the first scenario to take place is significantly higher, though. Players with similar mindsets happen to hang out together more, so the younger audiences are less likely to be exposed to the toxic behavior exhibited by a lot of TLOPO players.

My main issue with blacklisting normal phrases is that it's pointless.
They're going to block "who are."
5 minutes later, people will find out another way to say what they meant.
Even if it means saying who arr. Or who a re... Or Wa Hi ORE... ETC...
(none of the above are blocked.)