[Server] JFR's Survival Server

Hey John, so I have been looking around at server hosts for a while and I also noticed the server you host has been down for a while now. Just a suggestion, but if you cant afford the servers current price and still want to hot one I recommend this host https://www.bisecthosting.com/selector.php they have budget packages for about 90 players for 20 bucks. Its rather cheap and if you consider it, also check this http://us11.campaign-archive2.com/?u=25660d0d19779b059ccc54e56&id=f5df331aa0 its a coupon page. Thanks -DA Looter
:O Wish I could even attempt to get on. I'm done with basic training now, so at AIT I have my laptop and it can run minecraft, but I'm not sure about playing on a server Lol