Ship Boot Options

Boot Option for public ships

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Talking with a lot of players on my ship, most of them agree with me in the idea of having a boot option for public ships for such players that are AFK, Trolling, ETC. I know there is the boot option for the PVP Privateer ships. Just figured it should be a possibility to have that implemented on the PVE public ships.
That I do understand. Lets say you had a open ship and the same player came back 3 different times and literally did nothing but stand in one spot. Would you consider that fair?
I think the ability to ban pirates from boarding ships seems like the best option.
Ignore who you like and ban them too!
I do like the idea of banning players from the ship. But at the same time seems a little extreme.
I do like the idea of banning players from the ship. But at the same time seems a little extreme.
As extreme as ignoring someone. But elaborate on how you feel about it.
I think it's simple, elegant and affordable.
Well the main thing that this game promotes is for players to work together as a team. Ignoring them doesn't give them the chance to do so. A simple boot would be more of a convening way of saying you have to work with the team.
Well the main thing that this game promotes is for players to work together as a team. Ignoring them doesn't give them the chance to do so. A simple boot would be more of a convening way of saying you have to work with the team.
The boot option can be abused. Banning someone from boarding your ship does not mean they can't board another ship.
If you ban an afk player from your ship, that does not mean the other "team players" are affected at all. If as a captain you ban all players from boarding your ship, simply by not opening the ship to friends, guilds or the public, is already an option. Also, a banned player on your ship still gets to complete the journey and simply cannot board again after.
When booting was an option in POTCO, for about a week, it was abused by captains, for whatever reason, and dropped. It didn't work.
were not looking to ban just kick them off our ship send them back to town or sumthing

This option would be abused severely. Suppose you go on a public ship, your captain is a troll, and you go out for an hour run, all the while you are repairing, cannoning, and being a great team player. Then when your Captain has 16 skull loot chest, 4 rare ship chest, he decides to start kicking players off his ship.
Wouldnt be fair would it? all that work for what? so he could take what ye can, give nothing back. What options would we have, no one would be crew everyone would want to be captain. So even though I wish I could boot them off my ship, I truly wouldnt want that option available.
I dont know what or how we can stop people from going afk, some are now letting their ships sink and only taking those that participate back out with them.
This option would be abused severely. Suppose you go on a public ship, your captain is a troll, and you go out for an hour run, all the while you are repairing, cannoning, and being a great team player. Then when your Captain has 16 skull loot chest, 4 rare ship chest, he decides to start kicking players off his ship.
Wouldnt be fair would it? all that work for what? so he could take what ye can, give nothing back. What options would we have, no one would be crew everyone would want to be captain. So even though I wish I could boot them off my ship, I truly wouldnt want that option available.
I dont know what or how we can stop people from going afk, some are now letting their ships sink and only taking those that participate back out with them.

And there ARE trolls out there. Already 9 times I been on a run that was easily over 30+ mins then right after the captain purposely stood still and sank us then laughed. Make it any easier on them by giving them an option to kick, and you got trolls everywhere. Also remember that many times in the day except prime time on weekends, there aren't many public ships out (by that i mean not nooby ships, stuff like organized runs). So if someone simply gets triggered and kicks someone, it can ruin someones entire playtime.
Inactivity timer that can happen at a random interval between 5 to 11 minutes. Then you require to be active for one minute. Just walking or casting spells or whatever won't do the trick either. Has to be something ship related.

Why 11? Uneven numbers are a pain for script kiddies B)

Why a random time between there? It would force afk people to regularly check so they have little to no time to do the other thing while they afk.

Essentially telling them to play the game. Rather than sit afk and not contribute.
This option would be abused severely. Suppose you go on a public ship, your captain is a troll, and you go out for an hour run, all the while you are repairing, cannoning, and being a great team player. Then when your Captain has 16 skull loot chest, 4 rare ship chest, he decides to start kicking players off his ship.
Wouldnt be fair would it? all that work for what? so he could take what ye can, give nothing back. What options would we have, no one would be crew everyone would want to be captain. So even though I wish I could boot them off my ship, I truly wouldnt want that option available.
I dont know what or how we can stop people from going afk, some are now letting their ships sink and only taking those that participate back out with them.

Doesn't the captain get more money if there are more people on board? I understand completely what you are saying, almost any addition that gives power to a specific individual is going to be abused by someone, but there is a deterrent I guess. A small one though.
Banning seems WAY too extreme. Booting could already be abused, so just imagine banning.
All banning would do is not allow the players you do not want on your ships to join. This is equivalent to closing your ship, but it only applies to a specified person. This would only be the extension of an already present feature. I do not see how this can be abused if you can already block everybody from joining your ship.
In my opinion, the banning of another person from your ship should not kick them from it, just as closing the ship after they join does not. After the end of that run, they would not be able to join your ships anymore.

EDIT: Yes, kicking can be abused, but since we can already control whether or not people join our ships, I do not see how banning would be much different unless it kicked them immediately.
Banning seems WAY too extreme. Booting could already be abused, so just imagine banning.
WAY too extreme?
Perhaps you don't understand what that entails.
I can already block the public from boarding my ship, my guild or even my friends.
I should be able to decide who gets to board my ship for whatever reason, simple.
This way, I have an option of blocking those players I see as not contributing to the game on my ship.
How could banning be abused?
Please elaborate, since I'm having difficulty imagining it as you suggest.